Incredibly disappointing... You can clear the whole thing by just spamming abilities with no skill or strategy.

If you really love Final Fantasy could be worth checking out but not much here for MH fans.

I can't describe my experience with the amount of hours I've put into this game over the years. Utterly charming and one of my favourites.

I like a good platformer and this is a fun, unique and creative good little platformer.

A fun little game if you like Judge Dredd that hasn't aged the best. It's short length is something of a virtue as the gameplay was somewhat limited.


Lots of fun. I feel like the constant updates to the hubworld and having to interact with every character dragged it down slightly.

It feels like an improvement on what the first game had to offer but like all of those improvements took place in a vacuum from every game released between now and then.

I feel like the gameplay only got great in the end-game but I don't know if that's a bad thing with something so story-focused.

Obviously just a cheap cash-in following the fallout of TSW. Gameplay can be fun but the story is a slog to get through and God forbid you try to 100% it.

The fact that Nintendo put out a free Zelda game is pretty astounding - you'll never see them do that again.

The changing art styles are neat and its a blast playing with friends but doesn't really scratch that Zelda itch.

As far as platformers without a jump button go, this one is definitely better than Balan Wonderland...

Fun Musou game. Grinding out the platinum was utterly dull just grinding out the same missions with each character so probably stop when you get bored.

Although I find this one of the weaker entries in the series, I find myself thinking about it a lot.

The game has a really unique story with some creative ideas such as Time Compression. Characters have interesting relationships and the soundtrack is one of the best in a series with a phenomenal track record for music.

That said, the game has major flaws. Actively discouraging the player from playing the game and levelling up their character as it will hurt them more than help - the drawing and junction system is a horrible replacement that never feels satisfying. This game features possibly one of the worst plot points in any video game ever. If you know, you know.

I still am drawn to this game, possibly because of how unsatisfying the game is despite a variety of deep mechanics and the semblance of a quality Final Fantasy story.

Personal favourite in the series. Switching jobs on characters as well as mix-and-matching job skills is incredibly compelling. There's a light tone throughout that most FF games don't play into enough and the game introduces many fan favourites including the iconic Gilgamesh.

Any FF fan that hasn't played this game is doing themselves a disservice.