101 Reviews liked by PhaseFromPhase

Genuinely incredible mod that masterfully expands upon Half-Life's story. It brings together so many elements from across the series like the connections to the Portal games with characters like Wilson and bringing back enemies from the original Half-Life and it's expansion Opposing Forces in such a way that you can tell this was made by people that truly loved the series. The story is also surprisingly deep and existentially and really goes into how desperate the people who join the Combine are. It's really commendable how Breadman and his team managed to make such an amazing sequel to a fairly barebones mod. Would highly recommend.

It is such a strange feeling playing a Postal game without it's infamous jank.
Incredibly fun boomershooter that doesn't take itself seriously at all. Though the humour is a bit hit or miss, especially some of the boss fights. Still this game has shown that it may still be a good idea to franchise out the Postal series, even if the time they did that before this showed... less than pleasing results...
Also every single shotgun should come equipped with a grappling hook in every game from now on.

Pretty fun with some decently challenging platforming. Tails is kind of a useless inclusion in the long term as his only real use is doing a bit more damage to bosses. I feel like some parts of the levels go out of their way to punish you for no reason like putting spikes in inconvenient spots or planting a spring in a spot that will lead to your death which is a bit annoying as it encourages a more paranoid playstyle in a game all about going fast.

silent hill but gold source

picked up when the flood was introduced hooray yippee

Very good story and I like the gameplay, your choices actually matter and it has great characters (at least in my play through)

Pretty good brawler and one of the more impressive licensed games I've played. The setting and story is pretty interesting and its a fun concept for a Batman adventure. Combat can feel a bit sloppy and repetitive but it works. I do wish they evolved the combat more as the game progressed though instead of just adding one or two new types of enemies for you to fight. The Scarecrow Nightmare sections were the highlight of the game for me and I wish they were more sprinkled throughout the game. Looking forward to playing Arkham City next.

one of the best games of all time, ending is hype, the theming is great, everything about this game is perfect, even old the gameplay is more than acceptable in modern standards. This game is really special and you wont find anything else like it. Ost is great, story good everything good. Good game to play at Halloween too. This game also makes me sad because it reminds me how boring/ generic and poorly made new gen games are, with few exceptions like elden ring. I believe games will either take a giant leap in quality from now on or be soulless cash grabs, hopefully gta6 can break this new cycle. In short, play this game, its a masterpiece.

Fun collection of levels from Sonic's past. The story here is really more just an excuse for things to make some sort of sense. My only gripes with the game are some level choices like Planet Wisp and the very lacklustre final boss.

The ending was like omg explosion and i said cool

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I have one problem, and that is everything is a bit anti climactic and not built upon enough. Like Javier is treated like a random npc and has about 2 seconds of screen time. I know this is because rdr2 wasn't out yet but even without it, people you considered family once shouldn't be treated as if they are just another obstacle that doesn't mean too much. Dutch was done well towards the end of his screen time and his death actually impactful. Johns interactions with his family are so good though. And Johns death is sad asf. And Jack killing Edgar Ross is alright its also a bit anti climactic but the duel is pretty cool. Im listing a few negatives but theres so many positives I can't name them all. This is a must play and outstanding for the time.