I mean, if it weren't for the giant penis monster trying to sell me Amway, Sevastopol isn't so bad.

This one time I got home from work and my boss is a dick and I was playing this game and I remember that I hit an NPC in the face with a hammer a few times and then I kind of blacked out and I came to about seven minutes later with the crushed remains of the NPC's head in my hands and I was still hitting it with the hammer. What I'm saying is that this game is cheaper than a felony.

Do you guys remember the ads for this with the sexy lady on the radio with the lipstick? Well she's not in the game so that was a let down.

The last thing I expected this game to be was scary I tell you hwhat

You little shits aren't getting any of my cheese. I pay top dollar for that Swiss Gruyere, yeah that's the good stuff

I played as a skeleton and I collected bones and other dead things. My party didn't like me

Ok so I'm not an anime fan except for that one that I can't remember the name of about the two teenage girls who fall in love except one of them is an immortal skin-stealing vampire and the other is Norman Mailer or something. Was that Steins;Gate?

I always felt destined for life on the high sea, but no, I'm still locked in this lighthouse playing video games.

This game is cute and fun and not everything needs to be Russian and depressing for it to be art no I don't want to go to another screening of STALKER.

Sandra please come back I promise I won't start another playthrough

My friend and I have agreed that if one of us has to eat the other in a soccer team crashing in the mountains type deal, that we have to cook the meat medium rare, anything else is just an insult to the meat you know?

Really lets you fulfill your Scooby Doo villain fantasy except you don't have to wear a weird costume and chase a stupid talking dog that nobody else seems to understand but can we all agree that Scrappy sucks?

There's nothing quite like running for fifteen minutes across the French countryside and then getting your legs blown off by artillery without ever seeing the enemy. It's a good time, besides the whole "being in France" part