9 reviews liked by PizzaRollsRGood

A fun game to play during quarantine. I just wished Nintendo would really their games finished instead of waiting for months to update the game.

One of the first games I ever played. Still a classic platformer.

With the New Game mode addition, this game is made easier, but that doesn't mean it's not hard. A really fantastic platformer!

Only did one playthrough of the game and got with Emily. I like how there's a lot of callbacks to 2008-2009 Facebook/YouTube and you can replay the game to get a different outcome.

Easily the best Metroid game, in my opinion. The game is beautiful and it was easy to not get lost. Ending was by far the coolest.

Improved a lot from Spyro's Adventure and kept the core aspects of what makes a good Skylanders game.

This game improves pretty much everything from the first Huniepop game. One of the best and funniest puzzle games I ever played.

Got first on all Grand Prix cups. It's not the easiest thing to do but it's one of my favorite Mario Kart games ever.

Best story out of all Splatoon games.