Has potential, need to set time aside to play it thoroughly.

Characters - 8/10 - Honestly could go to 9/10, love MK characters.

Gameplay - 7/10 - Fighting game combat has never been my style unfortunately.

Story - 8/10 - Pretty good, Liu Kang is goated.

World - N/A - It's a fighting game no open world unfortunately.

Side Content - 6/10 - Mid.

Characters - 8/10 - Seeing how each character has a twisted personality from their comics variation is really interesting, especially Damian and Superman.

Gameplay - 7/10 - Not bad, just felt like normal fighting game combat.

Story - 8/10 - Batman vs Superman is always a 50/50 gamble, but Injustice does it very well.

World - N/A - It's a fighting game so no open world to speak of.

Side Content - 6/10 - Nothing that crazy good.

Characters - 10/10 - Oh my peak, Batman and Catwoman as playable characters was so diverse, and the side cast was great.

Gameplay - 9/10 - Peak combat and gadgets, introducing the gliding over long distance was a game changer.

Story - 10/10 - Am I glazing the game too hard?

World - 8/10 - Arkham City was super ominous and flying around it was so satisfying, the different locations run by different gang leaders was very interesting.

Side Content - 9/10 - Loved the side missions in the game, such interesting characters like Mr Freeze and Ra's al Ghul. The Riddler trophies weren't that bad if you looked up a guide online, it's 2024 why are we still blindly searching for every Riddler trophy.

Characters - 9/10 - Love Batman and Joker to death.

Gameplay - 8/10 - Brilliant for its time, the free flow combat was incredible, and still is.

Story - 10/10 - Incredibly simple concept that becomes so complex and interesting.

World - 8/10 - The atmosphere in this game is probably the best out of any other I've played, I adore running around the asylum and fighting loonies whenever they pop out.

Side Content - 8/10 - Riddler trophies weren't bad, I'm very glad they gave us maps to use, but the combat and predator challenges are the only things stopping me from getting the game's platinum trophy.

Instead of reviewing the pair individually I'm just gonna give some quick thoughts: great concept, super fun, Max is my goat, amazing gameplay.

Characters - 8/10 - Not including the guys from the anime they're good, I think Towa is very cool.

Gameplay - 9/10 - Building your character and having the movesets and stuff was so cool, loved this games gameplay, being able to use every super saiyan form was a dream.

Story - 9/10 - Not the same story as the anime, however I really liked the original stuff they went with too, if there were more emotional moments from the original story then I'd be higher on it.

World - 8/10 - Was pretty cool, I liked the battle arenas a lot and getting to pic your species and that opening up different areas to have specialised training was cool.

Side Content - 8/10 - I messed with the side quests heavy, getting the platinum trophy for this game was a task and a half and I'm so proud I got all the missions done and got the trophies.

Characters - 10/10 - It's the characters from Dragon Ball obviously they're peak. My favourite will always be Piccolo but there are no bad Dragon Ball characters.

Gameplay - 9/10 - The combat and traversal is so great, if they let us play as more characters this would be a 10/10.

Story - 10/10 - It's the same as the anime.

World - 8/10 - Visually it looks amazing but I wish there was more to do in it, also would've been cool to have flown seamlessly from area to area rather than having a loading screen.

Side Content - 8/10 - Was amazing seeing so many call backs to characters from both Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, and the DLC was fantastic in introducing the hoard battles and the Beerus and Whis training.

Characters - 9/10 - Ezio is such a goat

Gameplay - 8/10 - This game is like very buggy and feels like it only works half the time, but when it locks in the free flow parkour and combat is the most satisfying thing ever.

Story - 9/10 - Peak as hell revenge story that goes from a boy seeking vengeance for his father and brothers, to a man toppling a corrupt political faction.

World - 9/10 - Loved jumping around the different cities and the parkour is so accessible, plus it didn't feel like I wasn't making use of the horse as it was definitely usable in most scenarios.

Side Content - 7/10 - I can imagine doing this alongside the story is much easier, but I got so much burnout from picking up all the collectables, luckily the parkour made it easier and more tolerable.

Characters - 8/10 - Is it crazy to say Bayek is a top 3 AC protagonist?

Gameplay - 7/10 - Felt like a bridge between where Assassin's Creed was and where it's going because whilst there's still traces of the combat from the old games, the different weapons and brutish slugging of the newer games is well integrated.

Story - 8/10 - Like I said, I really like Bayek and so following his story was very engaging, Aya was also very interesting, seeing her take a more political and commanding stance in establishing the Brotherhood was great.

World - 7/10 - For the first big open world RPG I don't think Ubisoft did too badly, it looks very good and I liked the Egypt aesthetic, only complaint might be that kit was too barren, due to all the sand.

Side Content - 7/10 - Felt like standard tedious stuff, most of the time in the post-game I was ticking off city by city the collectibles there, the parkour and camel riding made it slightly more bearable.

Characters - 8/10 - I really love Alexios and Kassandra, plus all of the side cast was super entertaining.

Gameplay - 9/10 - Unpopular opinion but I really liked the combat and traversal in this game, plus the boat stuff was so fun. I liked the skill tree a lot too, picking abilities to have in your arsenal felt really good to increase replayability.

Story - 8/10 - The story of a mercenary looking for their sister sounds alright on paper but this game definitely elevates it by having the choices you make influence the outcome and create different endings.

World - 10/10 - Love, love, loved the world of this game, I think this map is so beautiful and the attention to detail with the terrain is great. The boat stuff is super fun and going from island to island didn't feel like a chore at all.

Side Content - 8/10 - Really liked the side content here, the bosses were great wish there were more, the side quests weren't bad either, maybe could've done with more diversity since most of them were fetching questlines. The collectables were easy and fun however, and the rewards were really cool too.

Need to play the DLC soon, I own it, it's just in my backlog.

Will do a full review when I replay and attempt the platinum trophy, but overall very peak and one of the most important games of all time.

Characters - 8/10 - Cal Kestis, potentially the best Star Wars main character ever?

Gameplay - 8/10 - I liked mixing the force and lightsaber combat but I wish it was more complex, aside from a couple parries it did feel very repetitive and borderline button spam.

Story - 9/10 - I really liked the story of an escapee Jedi seeking refuge from the Empire, and starting to fight back against them. Also loved seeing Cal slowly remember his training with his master and learning to control the force.

World - 7/10 - A couple places were really cool to explore, but a couple sucked because of how often you'd die in them. Overall pretty cool stuff.

Side Content - 7/10 - A lot of stuff was grinding but I liked it for the most part.

Characters - 9/10 - Joel and Ellie are great, and the introduction and exit of some side characters was great, was really easy to get attached.

Gameplay - 8/10 - Super cool gameplay, sucks I die in like 3 hits.

Story - 10/10 - I'm an insane sucker for a stoic adult and their surrogate kid

World - 9/10 - The atmospshere here is incredible, the game can be super dark and gritty, even scary at times, but then it'll switch up and show you the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.

Side Content - ?/10 - Yeah I did not collect all that

Not a huge fan, I think Aloy is decent and the open world is really pretty but I did not give a rat's ass about the story and I wasn't a huge fan of the gameplay either. The concept of machine dinosaurs and stuff is really cool though, hopefully I enjoy the gameplay and story in Forbidden West.