1631 reviews liked by PloybertCorti

This DLC has a gorgeous but frustrating landscape, with repetitive enemies and a snowstorm section that's a nightmare to navigate. The level design feels mediocre, and the boss fights are underwhelming. The most enjoyable part is rescuing the knights, but overall, it's a disappointing experience.

Exploring the maze-like temple, finding hidden levers and switches was intriguing, and two of the bosses were quite engaging. However, the optional area felt like a frustrating slop fest with repetitive NPCs. Overall, it’s a mixed bag with some highs and lows.

Incredible level design with dramatic, fanciful encounters and some of the coolest bosses ever, like Fume Knight and Sir Alonne. Though the side dungeon can be frustrating, the overall experience is peak Dark Souls, blending stunning visuals with intense, memorable fights.

uma demo paga (R$ 36,99) do M.G.S. V dor fantasma ,
é muito curta , mas é um bom tutorias pro MGS V

primeiro gta que eu zerei e foi do caralho, a historia é bem loka e cheia de camadas.
os três protagonistas são muito fodas
o michael é literalmente o psicopada amercano
o trevor é um louco crasy, e gosta de milfs
e o Franklin é pau pra toda obra

Recentemente, joguei o game Scars Above e foi uma das experiências mais bizarramente estranhas que já tive jogando videogame. Ele foi um game que me chamou atenção principalmente pela capa, que achei bonita, e também pela estética que me lembrava bastante algo tipo Mass Effect. Honestamente, acho que se vale a pena ou não jogar esse game depende do seu gosto mesmo e também de bastante tolerância. Afinal, para mim, o game foi mediano, ficando aí por volta de 6, no máximo 7. Apesar disso, ele tem diversos pontos muito intrigantes, como a história e o cenário de ficção científica que te prendem desde o início, algo que tem um leve toque de Mass Effect. O combate, apesar de ser estranho às vezes, é divertido, e pessoalmente gostei muito de toda a direção de arte do jogo.

Porém , contudo, todavia, entretanto, como ele é nota 6 para mim, temos que ter também pontos negativos, e esse game está cheio deles. A começar pelos problemas técnicos gerais que o game tem, como expressão facial péssima, quedas de frames em diversos momentos, animações gerais igualmente fracas e também as texturas que têm algo bem estranho nelas que não sei dizer se são mal feitas ou se simplesmente têm uma baixa resolução... ou os dois, né. Apesar disso, como disse antes, a direção de arte geral do game é muito boa, porém, se você começa a observar com detalhes, as coisas ao redor começam a ficar estranhas.

O jogo, como dito antes, também lembra muito Mass Effect, tirando, claro, todos os elementos de RPG. Obviamente, não chega nem perto dele, porém, em alguns sentidos, lembra muito, como a forma como a personagem mira, se move, corre e desvia.

Sabendo disso, se você gosta de Mass Effect ou de filmes de ficção científica, certamente vai gostar desse game ao menos em parte pela história e temática. Até porque, se você tiver pouca tolerância para jogos que parecem "ultrapassados", certamente esse jogo não é para você. Eu recomendo definitivamente que joguem ele quando estiver em promoção ou quando entrar em algum serviço como gamepass da vida.

Comumente chamado de gta ''chines" (infelizmente hong kong não faz parte da china , nem faz sentido essa cidade existir , falei to leve).
sleeping dog é bem mais que isso , para mim é um gta com a trocarão de soco do batman .
o joga é acaba no onte certo mesmo eu fazendo quase todas as missões, do ponta da gameplay estava quase no ponto de enjoar , mas falando da historia ela caba de um jeito bem brusco na minha opinião.
mas mesmo assim eu gostei muito muito mesmo a ambientação , a radio é bem loka .
resumindo se estiver em promoção pode pegar e jogar q vale a pena 👍

I was going to give this another shot, but I actually got so pissed off at this that I just gave up and quit. It is genuinely way worse than I remember it being.

Fallout 4 is slow, sluggish, and boring. Every action feels weird and delayed. The UI is among the worst I've ever experienced in a video game. Menus within menus, inconsistent buttons to get out of said menus, and I swear sometimes the game straight up drops button inputs.

For aiming to feel anything close to decent with a keyboard & mouse, you have to edit the ini files to disable mouse acceleration and make it so that vertical sensitivity isn't always half of horizontal sensitivity. The fact that this is even a thing in a 2015 game, well after PC gaming became more prominent, is fucking baffling to me. Options in general in this are impressively limited. You can't even change brightness settings or FOV in-game.

Exploring the world sucks because it's ugly and uninteresting. Everything is an ugly shade of brown, gray, or green and it all looks smeared together like someone took a shit in their hand and wiped it on a canvas. Enemies blend in with the environment too easily and love to hide behind corners, making most encounters a game of hide and fucking seek.

Skills and general RPG mechanics are gone. All you really have are perks, which leave much to be desired. You're pretty much required to get stuff related to guns and combat because so much of the game is a generic shootbang. Quests all just involve killing things. Most locations are just dungeons with things to kill and a treasure chest at the end. The honest truth is that this is basically a looter shooter in disguise as a Fallout game. What's bizarre about this is that the combat isn't even good. Like sure, the gunplay is technically better than the previous Fallout games, but I can't stand how this game feels. Something about the flow and feel of combat in this compared to 3/New Vegas really rubs me the wrong way.

I'll admit I do kind of like the crafting mechanics and the base building stuff. It's clunky, but you do get a good amount of freedom with it. Ultimately, it comes off as kind of pointless though.

I recall my first playthrough of this, I did almost drop it due to similar feelings. I don't know what happened, but I think I somehow managed to push myself to finish it and eventually got used to things. I don't think I have the ability to do that anymore. Used to think this game was merely mediocre, but now I think it just sucks.

I was interested due to the beautiful art style but actually it ended up being THE last straw for me as far as being completely done with conventional modern game design. Just completely devoid of any meaningful gameplay innovations or ideas of its own. Playing this made me go 100% Dark Souls 2 instead, Kena leaves me begging for an ounce of inaccessible non-standard elements.

Just kinda gross to see an indie game suffer from much of the same stuff the AAA scene does. At least this game actually does look pretty and animate well, unlike most of its AAA contemporaries that only pretend to look the part. Despite that, I still end up bored by its lack of environmental variety, and the overall stylistic direction is too modern, wasting what should be an easy S tier aesthetic. It's a modern Playstation game it's not allowed to have interesting direction, deadpan minimalism with a focus on being vaguely cinematic is the prison food we gotta endure even in truly enjoyable games. Combat is engaging, puzzles are puzzling. It's well made but that means nothing to me when every element is just going through the motions a thousand other games have gone through. They've got the recipe for "good game" down to a soulless science and it drives me crazy.

I think I'm about 65%ish done with the game. I almost exclusively review games I've finished, and I do intend to actually finish this someday. It's just been a slow uphill battle with multiple months between sessions. I just really doubt I'll have much more to say playing more. Perhaps an updated review with more specifics if I decide I have more to say but this is about it. Definitely a studio to look out for, even if this wasn't for me it's not a pitiful first effort. I can see someone less jaded by playing hundreds of games for 20 years finding this phenomenal. I'd like to see them branch out and make something special. Though I worry the focus on next gen graphics and cinematic minimalism will continue to be a creative dead end.

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Presented some great ideas only to not do a whole lot with them.

The story in this DLC is far simpler than the previous one. While that one focused on the backstory of the legendary, and generally made the culture of the island feel alive, this one is all about battling. In fact the actual stuff with this DLC's advertised Pokémon isn't even mentioned until the very end, feeling tacked on like the devs said "Wait! We forgot that no one will buy this without a super special legendary to catch!". I don't mind the focus on battle over story at all, as while I enjoyed the Teal Mask, battling is the main reason I play Pokémon. But while the game puts you into an academy where battling and ranks are everything, it basically just forces your character to skip all the climbing and go straight the to this academy's "elite 4". I guess it kind of makes sense given you're already a champion in your home region, but it's a let down to basically hear all about the systems in place in this school for trainers, only to be told to ignore it all and just fight these handful of strong trainers.

Weirdly the elite 4 here don't act like the conventional type - they're spread out across the map, so you can fight them at your own leisure in any order and with as much training as you like between them. And before you fight them you have to do a pre-battle trial. Sound familiar? They are literally just gym leaders from the main game. They took the gym leader challenge, halved it, and called it an elite 4. There is a champion battle at the end at least.

They do make this whole DLC stand out by making every non-wild battle be a double battle. Considering how they've been relegated to a single gym in the base game, it's nice to see them back with such a strong focus. It's unlikely you'll have any Pokémon to make use of double battles considering their previous non-existence though. Double battles mean permanent set-mode too, making the DLC generally more difficult than anything previous (and on that note there's more strategy and higher levels than anything before too).

Another huge "sounds good, but falls flat" feature is the Synchro feature. You can control the top Pokémon of your party! You can only use it in the DLC area, but other than that it's unrestricted. Sounds awesome! But once the novelty of controlling a Pikachu wears off after 10 seconds you question what the point of it is. You can't do anything when controlling a Pokémon, except run around, pick up items and 'auto battle' wild Pokémon (the same as you'd do in "Let's Go" mode). So it doesn't really add anything to the experience beyond the gimmick itself existing. You can't even fly with flying Pokémon, or hell, jump with anything. It'd be cool if you had to control a water Pokémon to get something across a large lake, or control a tiny Pokémon to get into a tight hole, or control a steel or poison type to go through poisonous nettles or something. How about Pokémon races? The possibilities are endless. Of course having your swiss army Pokémon that is Koraidon/Miraidon makes most of the possibilities pointless. It can climb, swim, glide, move faster than anything else. While it has been great for post-game traversal, it made exploring the DLC areas lack a bit of the "exploring" part as you can basically get anywhere you want out the gate and moving from one place to another is as simple as gliding there from a high spot.

At least once you complete the DLC you get the ability to use free flight with your ride-mon, which is really the perfect gift for when there's no more exploring to do.

I guess the last thing that was a bigger let down than it seemed is the quest system. Having a bunch of extra tasks to do to earn this academy's currency sounds great! Until you realise this is not a set list of challenges, but rather an infinitely repeating list of like...10 things. "Take a photo of an electric Pokémon", "Collect 10 items from the ground", "Catch a Pokémon", "Travel 500 feet". You'll go through these "challenges" over and over and over, because the amount of points you need to get everything is a lot more than the amount they give.

In fact some of the rewards are adding starters to the biomes in the game, which... is fine. I don't know why Gamefreak think people jizz their pants so much for starters to the point they think a 10 hour grind to unlock the ability to catch them is so good. The grind CAN be heavily reduced by playing in a union room where all challenges of the players are mixed together and everyone gets points for every challenge any player completes. But as you can't even do random union rooms and of course this is locked behind paid online for Switch, I think the idea of making solo grinding vs group grinding be such a massive difference just comes off as scummy if anything, rather than the nice bonus it should be.

Another thing you unlock via the missions, albeit just by completing a certain amount rather than paying the BP, is Gamefreak's other thing to spam in every end-game part of a generation: Legendaries!

I really just don't know who this is for. Don't most players have multiple duplicates of most legendaries by now just sitting in Home? And let's be inclusive and count even players who are playing this as their very first Pokémon game - what are they going to DO with ~30 legendaries? I know I can't get in to the mindset of a current day kid, but I can't imagine it'd bring that same satisfaction as when we played as kids and got like ~5 legendary Pokémon to catch and overpower the game with. There's almost nothing left to even use them on by this point in the game anyway. I might not be so bothered by this but they went back to the really horrible style of legendary catching. Know how most legendary Pokémon now (including Ogerpon and Terapargos from this very DLC) are more "tough fight, guaranteed catch"? It was relatively fun and allowed you to catch the legendary in any ball you want. Well for all the many, many, returning legendary Pokémon this is done away with to be the bullshit RNG simulator of "get it to 1hp and throw a million Pokéballs at it cos fuck you". Who enjoys this!? Even the Sword and Shield DLC knew not to pull that shit and used raid dens instead.

By the way you can only get half the legendaries via solo missions, so if you don't have Switch online or anyone to play with, have fun not getting them

OK with my rants out of the way, the DLC itself is fine. The game still runs like doodoo, but ultimately this is just more of what you've had before, but now focused almost entirely on battles and using double battles instead of single battles. The areas are no more or less exciting than anything in Paldea, not even using any new kind of environments. But there's some fun in catching the 'new'/returning Pokémon and this ironically does a "school for Pokémon trainers" better than the main game did. The league club room is where a bunch of features that used to be base game stuff was finally added, like gym leader rematches and Pokémon throwing styles. It also finally gives a purpose for excess Pokémon material that you don't need to make any TMs, by having a machine that you throw a bunch in to and get randomly generated items, which can include tera shards (this DLC makes collecting them in general way easier), apricot Pokéballs and a looooot of junk to sell for money. It's basically just saying "you've beaten the game now, so there's no need to make you work for this stuff. Instead just RNG your way into it".

189 lists liked by PloybertCorti