you can play miss murder by AFI in this video game

it is with the onslaught of rapists during the apartment dream sequence that we start to realize that David Cage is more creepy than anything else.

one of the best games of all time.. i gently carry the baby mario

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at the end you witness the birth of the star child of tetris and see god. is there anything more to say? it's awesome

This is a classic video game from my childhood. I remember playing RCT with my sister until the late hours of the night and falling asleep at our computer desk waiting for October Year 3. This, combined with fleeting summers at Six Flags Great Adventure, made me into a lifelong rollercoaster enjoyer.

Now, in adulthood, I went through and completed every scenario from the main game. It took me 65 hours and I didn't even play the DLC scenarios this time. I did not play with the fast forward function from RCT Classic. I played on the original game with no speedup. This was a mistake. If you are planning on replaying, I'd somewhat recommend playing RCT Classic, even though it isn't the way Chris Sawyer intended it.

Although I haven't played RCT2 in more than a couple of years, this game seems not as good. There's not as many rides and the scenarios aren't as interesting or as difficult. At some point, it started to become pretty unfun to play. I guess you could say that, around 40 hours, I just wanted to get off the ride and be done with it. I simply sat in front of the computer-- often waiting for the scenario to end because I already met the requirements. However, I can say without a doubt that doing this was still a valuable and relaxing experience and I plan on returning for the DLC scenarios in future.

What a comfy game between the graphics, gameplay, and sound. Great pixel art, lots of customization options, and you can really make a beautiful looking park. Thunder Rock felt like it had a lot of potential and it lived up to it by the end of year 4. I also kind of like it that you can just sit there and scroll Twitter while you make money. The sound (people buying things, screaming down the tracks, and laughing after getting off rides) particularly added to the comfiness of the game. There was only a couple times where I felt true anxiety, specifically Dinky Park as it had me in tears, but most of the game was spent casually clicking while watching a show or Youtube. Honestly, I would have welcomed more anxiety and difficulty throughout the game due to the fact that I was sitting around a lot of the time with no reason to make my park better.

The best part about playing this game was streaming it to some friends and having them name the rides. To conclude, here is a ride my friend named: Thanks for reading.

i pissed my pant when i played this game the first time

this was one of my first rpgs of all time. it's literally baby's first rpg. it's so cute and it has a sincerely nostalgic feel. a kind and thoughtful story with baby. i think that nowadays, it's a little hard to get through due to aging poorly (it's really sloowww), but it's easy to just vibe in. if you like rpgs like older final fantasy games and you want to see what other studios were doing, i would recommend.

it's one of those games that's actually bad, but if you played it as a kid and if you know exactly what to do, it's pretty fun

Beat on pacifist for my first playthrough. Gameplay and puzzles are okay-- not all that fun or interesting. I don't really think it's that funny, but I knew that was something about the game that everyone liked. I think everyone likes the story as well, but I can't say it really left that much of an impression on me. Maybe I will play it again in the future and enjoy it more, but for now, I only liked it a little bit mainly for the boss fights and the music.

EDIT: You know what fuck it, I think about Undertale probably once every two weeks at least since finishing it last year. Story's a thinker