Crazy fun action with an in depth combat system, cool enemy design and funny as fuck writing. It reminds me of Panty and Stocking. Bring back Nononon though, she was great in Z.

Gonna be in the minority here. I don't like this game very much. The zombies are bullet spongey and really annoying to deal with. Their grabs are magnetic and basically latch onto you from a mile away. Mr X is not scary, he is tedious as hell. I get so fed up of his constant bullshit that it's just not fun and he's not even difficult to take down, he's just a chore. A bunch of enemies have been cut as well as the zapping system which made the game a lot more strategic in the originals. If you want zombies with uncertainty built in, why not include the body burning system from REmake 1?.

Basically takes anything you enjoyed about RE3 and shoves it into the dirt. The only decent aspects of the game is the alright combat and the visuals but even then the redesigns of everything are so ugly and miss the point so hard that I don't know if I can say it looks good.

Too reliant on the arcadey aspect and loses what made 2016 such a power house of a game. Too much time spent on platforming puzzles and cutscenes that switch to third person to rip you out of the game whenever they feel like it. The low ammo count and consistent need to play the game the way they want you to really ruins the flow for me.

Incredible sequel with plenty to do. The systems are complex and in depth with loads of rewarding combat encounters and massive amounts of content. Everything about Nioh 2 is a triumph over the already fantastic original.

Incredibly janky but charming as they can come. Disaster Report 4 takes me back to PS2 era of games where people made unique and interesting titles. Everything about this game endeared me from start to finish. It's wacky but serious, has loads of choices and you can dress in such dumb shit to undermine the entire tone of the game. Where else can you wear a Sushi Chef outfit while a highway collapses onto a massive group of people?.

A load of fun to just sit back and mash out a few dungeons in. Level-5 make super fun games and this reminds me of Yokai Watch Blasters. Plenty to do and a lot to unlock to keep you ingame for hours. Honestly worth buying if you just wanna lay about and read amazing food puns. Though I could do without the weird out of place Trump memes in the localization. What the hell is that about?.

Tetsuya Mizuguchi can do no wrong

An incredibly interesting game with a wonderful cast of memorable characters, fun dungeon crawling gameplay with survival elements, and a gripping story full of interesting twists and great writing. Honestly one of the best games of 2019 and deserves more attention.

I love this game so much. The constant raising of your Digimon, The wonder behind what they'll become next, the fun and varied areas you can explore. GIVE ME MORE. Cyber Sleuth is good but MORE OF THIS!.

Sony deserve to be slapped for dropping this franchise. I love everything about Kat and Raven, I love the visuals, I love the gameplay, I love the cute outfits!. The only minor issue I have is the world is a little too empty and now you can't get costumes easily due to Sony shafting the online servers. But it's still one of my favorite games of all time.


You can really tell this influenced a lot of games going forward. A wonderful experience with lots of charm and heart. I'm happy I got to play this game.

I legitimately wish I could play more fully translated LDL games.

Very solid character action game. Fun combo style combat and a bunch of fanservice at every turn. Honestly I hope we get a sequel.

Love everything about it. The DQ inspired RPG mechanics, the writing, Ichiban and cast are so fun and charming, there's so many wild and fun things to see and do. I had a Chicken, Chimp, Roomba and Old Lady in a board meeting for my corporate shareholders to question.

Yakuza is always fantastic but this is probably tied for my favorite in the series, alongside 0.