This game being a prequel for the best character from DQ11 isn't enough to get me to suffer through its sluggish combat and unsatisfying gameplay loop

This game was a pretty solid MVC clone but everyone I know uninstalled it when the devs abandoned it to work on an nft game, so yeah I'm never playing it again

Pretty cool 2 and a half hour cutscene

Hard carried by gen 3's amazing battle mechanics and double battles being objectively awesome

Every other design choice in this game is just not good. It's just constant corridors with endless trainers and then a final boss about 15 levels above you and then it's over

There's some issues with blatant padding and filler, but when Twilight Princess becomes a Zelda game, it's immaculate. The combat and dungeon design is at its peak here.

MUCH shorter than I remember, but it's honestly a breath of fresh air after the last two 2D portable Zeldas overstayed their welcome. It's just a perfect little taste of the best of what 2D Zelda has to offer.

Comically bad, only worth playing if you're interested in how awful the dialogue can get

Played this the way it was intended: on the Street Fighter 6 battle hub arcade cabinets

An obvious improvement on Crystal, but it still doesn't fix many of Johto's glaring issues

The controls and camera have not aged super well, but it's extremely satisfying once everything finally clicks. Shifting Sand Land is still trash.

The rare sequel that manages to improve on literally every single aspect of the original. It's a miracle this exists and is as good as it is.

one match is all i need to know this game is bad

The new structure just completely ruins the pacing. This should not have taken me almost double the time of the first game to beat.

Love this game more than 64 but there's no way I'm gonna force myself to 100% complete it

Had a ton of fun with this as a casual fan of the game. Helps that I had it in 120 fps HD with real camera controls.