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Revolutionary game, super fun to play. It still looks and sounds amazing years later. The levels are creative, and the story is probably the best the Mario series has to offer. It is unfortunately held back by somewhat slow and clunky controls (especially with the gravity mechanics) and the ample re-use of levels. I got 120 stars in my play through, only to learn I needed to do it all over again as Luigi to get the true final level. That was a gut punch I will not forget.

Fantastic experience. While I don't like it as much as Earthbound, it is a quintessential RPG with a great story and even better music. I have issues with the game that can be shared with many other of my favorite RPG's, but it is still a classic.

Just a fantastic pokemon game, one of the best.

My first Soulsborne game. It was great, but not perfect. This game doesn't hold your hand, and learning to get good is fun, but ultimately I think the game asks too much of the player and has flaws with the enemies. I beat every enemy basically the same way, and it was disheartening (as well as reassuring, oddly enough) that you can just ignore all of the enemies and run past them. Even beating the game I couldn't figure out the story without looking it up, which I find to be a flaw personally. Still a fantastic experience, and I'll definitely get into other games in the series

It's everything BOTW and more. Akin to Pokemon Colosseum and XD, if you liked the original, the sequel has just so much more to offer. The only difference being I enjoy Colosseum more for its atmosphere, and I can see many people preferring BOTW for the same reason. However, TOTK is just better for me. It has all of the flaws of the original, like how the game gets pretty easy and you never die after 50 hours, and the weapons are still kind of annoying. In total, though, it's a masterpiece. I spent 120 hours on the game, and I still have much I want to do.

One of the best pokemon games. Everything feels so polished and well put-together

The only evidence necessary to prove that games can be art. An amazing experience to play through blind

Probably the best 2D Zelda. Super easy to get into and get all of the collectibles, great dungeons, awesome gimmick, truly a great game

Fun but broken jank with no real post-game

Builds on Pokemon Colosseum and adds a lot more story and content, fixes many things, but overall just built onto a flawed base

Long battles, tedious grinding necessary and shadow pokemon are annoying to purify, but a really great atmosphere and fantastic music

Probably my favorite game, truly a masterpiece