encounter rate is ridiculously high and the last dungeon almost made me kms but besides that great game

the dialogue feels like it was ai generated

that final boss made me realize how good this game is

so fucking boring in every way

so fucking boring in every way

game play is alright and story is extremely forgettable

it just mashes good game into star wars and it kind of works except the level design is atrocious

the supernatural aspects hold this game back and they become even worse in the sequel

i didnt "get" rpgs till i played this game

david cage thinks hes so much smarter than he actually is

everytime i closed my eyes the puzzles would appear in front of my eyes for like a week straight

i was so hyped in the castle section and then it gets shit when you arrive in istanbul and then its good again at the end

shouldve ended before the boat section

feels like a prototype for ac2 but its graphics surprisingly aged very well

the plot twist at the end is just so bad