Ngl, I’d let Krauser be on top of me and yell “SLOPPY!” in my face.

My most recent replay had me finding new appreciation for Resi 7 as a whole. Some of my previous issues (the pacing with the boat section), didn't bother me this time around. Something about it just clicked, and now it’s a section that I’d go so far and say that I enjoy replaying. Even the cutscenes weren’t that bad to sit through on my repeat play through.
I’d forgotten just how great of a location the Baker estate is, it’s such a joy to explore. Lucas also grew on me to the point where I’d consider him to be one the franchise’s best villains alongside Wesker and Krauser.
It’s easily now in my top 5 favourite RE’s.

The more I think about the story the worse it gets. Co-op is super fun but playing solo makes it feel like a worse version of RE 4. One of the weakest entries for sure.

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Okay after my umpteenth play through I have deduced that while this game kinda sucks it is probably one of my favourite games of all time.

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Writing this as my eyes are completely filled with tears. Most of my major complaints with the gameplay’s been fixed and everything has been given an insane amount of polish. I’m glad to finally fall in love with Persona 3 like many others have before me.

Presentation is interesting but the gameplay is atrocious. In desperate need of a remake.

Best main line SMT I've played so far. The music is incredible and the combat is exceptionally fast-paced and satisfying especially in regards to the damage animations.
I appreciate that this instalment is more story focused in comparison to other games in the series, (thank you for actually making me care about each alignment rep), enhancing an already mechanically engaging game.

Decent and worth playing, but a lack of compelling characters and the amount of random encounters hold it back from being truly great.

Kudos to Capcom for enhancing something that was already close to near perfection. Not only have the characters been greatly improved from their original counterparts but the tweaks to existing level design and the addition of side-quests makes this the most re-playable entry in the series.

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Still made me cry with those visual-novel ass cutscenes.

No notes, the best sequel ever made. Everything was improved which is quite the feat considering how acclaimed the first MGS was. The ending is also just pure kino

The recorded voice overs are worse then the original, but I'd rather play through this version.

I want to love this more but the gameplay really gets in the way of my enjoyment. The story and characters are incredible though.

Has an absolutely killer ost, the characters are great, the small town is a vibe and I love the murder mystery that serves as the story catalyst. Honestly the best RPG I've ever played besides SMT IV.