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Writing this as my eyes are completely filled with tears. Most of my major complaints with the gameplay’s been fixed and everything has been given an insane amount of polish. I’m glad to finally fall in love with Persona 3 like many others have before me.

Presentation is interesting but the gameplay is atrocious. In desperate need of a remake.

A better version of Awakening and Fates.

My favourite Fire Emblem. Like Echoes, the characters and story really carry the experience rather then the gameplay but it doesn't matter when the cast is this good. #BlueLionsSweep

Good time all around, but the castle section is easily the highlight of the entire game.

I want to love this more but the gameplay really gets in the way of my enjoyment. The story and characters are incredible though.

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Still made me cry with those visual-novel ass cutscenes.

I'd love to rate it higher but that ending boat section and the fact that you can't skip cutscenes really dampens the replay value.

The best/worst game ever made. Also wtf were they thinking with the tribal majini

No notes, just incredible. I can't decide whether I prefer this or RE4R as my favourite RE game.

I hate to sound like a boomer, but I vastly prefer older 3D Zeldas. This one's decent I suppose.

This is my guilty pleasure. There's so much wrong with this game, from the baffling design choices (poison moth hallway, poorly implemented zapping system, etc..) to everything having to do with Steve Burnside. It's a delightful campy mess that I replay at least once a year.

Has an absolutely killer ost, the characters are great, the small town is a vibe and I love the murder mystery that serves as the story catalyst. Honestly the best RPG I've ever played besides SMT IV.

This is why people unironically think that "waifu emblem" is a thing that exists.

Definition of the most middle of the ground release I've ever played.