97 Reviews liked by Quelconque

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Realizing Olimar's tale was actually just Pikmin 1 DLC for free was a genuine jumpscare for me.

They were FUCKING COOKING these past 10 years

Everything in these two games is a build up to the final case of the second game and what a case it is and what a build up it is. And despite its obvious flaws, like pacing and some other minor nitpicks I noticed, it's all overshadowed by amazing music, excellent writing, a dozen of memorable and fun characters, grounding ace attorney in a historic setting like this was genius and in my opinion these two games is absolute peak of Ace Attorney series.

After waiting a decade for this, I'm happy to say that it was everything I wanted it to be. This game felt more like Pikmin 2, which is great because it's my favorite game of all time. The gameplay, graphics, and level design are at their best. This is the most jam-packed, content-filled game so far. Pikmin holds near and dear to my heart, so I'm thrilled to see it continue to thrive and evolve. It's the perfect mix of all previous Pikmin games. Now I hope it doesn't take a decade for another game to come out.

really customisable and pretty game, but it lacks charm and replayability. i do feel as though they released an unfinished game. the fact that we're supposedly not getting any more substantial updates is really disappointing too. where's porter :-(

The future of pokemon.
my god the switch is a piece of shit tho

A truly special special game an experience and I am so happy that it gets to be experienced by a wider audience! It has great characters, snappy writing, and art style and music you can't help but love. I found myself enamored with the plot and its twists and turns.

The only negatives I think were that the puzzles were at times obtuse and could be frustrating as someone who just wanted to see what happens next. Some were inventive and cool, the others felt a little obscure and the game was not always great with hints. The emphasis on trial and error often means that even once you've got the solution, it doesn't always feel like a great AHA moment for yourself. Despite this, the later chapters had some amazing gameplay moments.

But overall, its a minor gripe...I love this game so much and I really hope everyone gets the play and Sissel is such a good boy and Lynne is just so sp[dfkaslkfhsdlfksd[pfokp[sdkflsdjfglks wow

My first 3D mario game - really fun and stunning game — I’m not the biggest collector not since licensed movie games lol so I didn’t care to 100% it outside of the main story - either way I love how creative and fun this was

I had heard this game was going to be really good so I expected some good story twits, characters, and puzzles. Ghost trick met those expectations and even surpassed them. The puzzles are so unique and fun, the characters are colorful and expressive(exactly what I expected from Ace Attorney’s creator), and the story shocked me even suspecting there would be a twist. I just wish the series wouldn’t have stopped with one game. You owe to yourself to play it

this is one of the best games of all time ever :)

it genuinely has so much soul and spirit (haha) and love put into it. the music is insane and exceptional and please capcom release it dear god - the characters ar evibrant and full of life (apart form maybe the ghosts...), it's truly just the most excellent. i wasn't expecting to feel SO MUCH but OH GOD I SURE DID

this game is an absolute treasure, and you should definitely check it out <3

shu takumi never misses ever this is literally peak fiction

Clocking in at 120 hours or so…I dunno. It’s awesome that so many people love this game this much but I wasn’t THAT impressed. Is it an improvement over BoTW? In a lot of ways, yeah. I liked the ultra hand and the amount of stuff you could do with it. Ascend was useful too.
The bigger side quests and adventures were mostly a good addition too.
These things kept the world fresh and the changes to the various towns was surprisingly enough to warrant keeping the overworld the same as BoTW.

…But it only lasts for so long. I definitely think that this game is still affected by that open world syndrome where grinding eventually gets stale and side quests become a chore. You’ll be doing a lot of the same things, fighting the same enemies, teleporting to the same places, so on and so forth. The good thing is that you can just progress through the story whenever this happens, but I don’t think that excuses the issue entirely.

Then there’s the depths. This area was pretty miserable. I don’t quite understand what I was meant to enjoy here. You can try out inventions in the many open spaces I guess, but the rest of it is constant Zoanite hunting and looking for the next root. The various costume parts hidden here were not really enough to satiate any desire I had for more content to be in this area either.

Still, it was fun sometimes, other times it wasn’t. I definitely can say it’s one of the weaker Zelda experiences I’ve had though. Guess I’d prefer they go back to the classic 3D Zelda format.

Also feel a bit inclined to mention that the story disappointed me, but I was likely just expecting too much out of it. The scattered memory format just barely worked here, and I felt no connection towards the characters of the past including King Rauru and Queen Sonia. Was also a bit bothered by a lack of any mentions of the deceased sages connected to Sidon, Yunobo and Riju. It just felt weird having them only be casually mentioned in optional conversation.

Then there was Ganondorf, who just didn’t do it for me and probably bothered me way too much. His design was certainly cool, but both the voice acting (no offense Matthew Mercer) and his presentation didn’t do it for me. This incarnation was more similar to OoT’s with a Japanese samurai inspired costume. He wasn’t comically evil like WW’s, but still had a few moments that reminded me of that one. Maybe what I really wanted from this final incarnation was a Ganondorf that retained the memories of his past incarnations and used those to his advantage instead of more of the same. Acknowledging how many Links he’s faced. How many times he’s been thwarted. Maybe he’d appear more tired. More unruly, teetering between the line of calm and calculated but also displaying the unruly hunger and anger only usually seen in his Ganon incarnations. I guess with the lore they ended up using this wouldn’t have worked, but TP and WW Ganondorf were somewhat on their way to this, being more calculated and definitely showing noticeable change from the OoT one. The final boss we got was cool don’t get me wrong, we sort of got something with him giving himself up and swallowing the tear to once again become a beast (basically just another Ganon scenario though) but I just felt like there was way more potential for something more elaborate here.

The lore itself felt cookie cutter as well, especially with how much potential this cumulative entry offers. Mineru seems like a good character, but her struggle wasn’t necessarily believable with how little she appeared. She was barely seen even interacting with her brother Rauru, who she is supposedly close to. Again it just wasn’t elaborated on as much as I wanted it to. The rest is the standard “save the world from evil” Zelda plot, which despite literally depicting the Imprisoning War, does not manage to stand out past that, unlike other entires. I could microanalyze specific scenes here, but instead l’ll just say that I found Twilight Princess to be much better presentation and writing-wise.
I don’t fault the game for its story TOO much (the Ganondorf thing is very clearly a personal gripe) but it definitely could’ve been better in more ways than one. It’s a good entry, but not mind-blowingly amazing.

I feel like it's a really niche game. I've played in the past visual novels and pretty narrative games yet this one almost feels too verbose. At first, the dialogues and characters feel fun and clever, but there is so much to read and so much fictional history and lore that I felt dragged down. There was a time I just skipped most text involving things not directly involved with the case.
The general gameplay and mechanics could use some work. It is almost a noob trap picking a character with 1 health or moral point and getting a game over because you sat on Evrart's chair or something like that. It's ridiculous and funny, but the game could try to not kill you so easily, considering beating the game takes 20-30 hours. The skill/dice/clothing system is fun and original but the whole thought cabinet could be less painful to use, and you get very little xp in the beginning of the game. Also, the fact that you unlock fast travel by buying a map but there's no indication of it until you get one for a main plot quest felt extremelly dumb.
Of course, the writing and characters are on point, I liked how the impact of your decissions affect the dialogue options, specially in the end. But overall, the plot didn't stick to me and I didn't feel that urge to solve the case you get when consuming media about detectives.
I know it's a great game, but not one I could truly enjoy.

I really enjoyed this game. while I do think the sentiment "it's just botw 1.5 or dlc" is kind of true it's a good expansion upon botw and a nice game before the eventual reset/refresh to the next console, I thought the exploration is more fun than botw and I do think the abilities are more fun to use. my main criticisms are similar to botw where I feel like the story is done poorly again with the memories basically kinda taking away from link's journey and link's interactions with ganondorf being meh, while the dungeons are better than botw they're still not the quality they were in previous entries and the only one that scratches that itch to an extent is the lightning temple but even then it feels more like a mini dungeon than a full on dungeon. overall pretty great game but I'll go back to it soon to finish all the shrines