The enemies in this game are so goddamn cute whenever I killed one of them I internally visualized the aaron paul screaming meme ahhhhhhhh

But yeah anyway my main complaint is that most of the powers (with notable exceptions being the burning sword of death and the double-bladed lightsaber) are either mediocre or flat out suck, but otherwise this is a damn good game. Soundtrack slaps too because of course it does.

Weakest of the OG trilogy. Gets super dull near the end, couldn't even bring myself to 100% complete it despite doing so with the previous games. Great soundtrack though, on par with Crash 2 in that regard.

Fantastic level design, perfect controls, difficult but fair, badass soundtrack. One hell of a game.

A solid platforming experience. Doesn't really strive to be anything more than that.

An incredibly fun immersive sim. The amount of options I had as a player was just so wonderful, great replay value.

worth playing for the soundtrack alone

Great puzzles, great atmosphere, a great game from start to end.

Protect the little red boy at all costs.


It's ok. Inside is so much better.

Super underrated. Fun characters, great Pokémon designs and good challenge for a Pokémon game (though I did things to purposefully hinder myself to make this so). A great game.

Such a massive disappointment after the great first game. Awful level design, horrible game feel and frustrating AI on the damn monkeys. Had to force myself to complete it.

An all around dope game. Great level design, unique controls, great old-school visuals and kickass soundtrack to boot.

My one and only COD. Super fun campaign and hours spent with my friends and strangers with the multiplayer.


Another masterpiece by Fumito Ueda. Gorgeous music, haunting atmosphere and fun puzzles.

Easily one of the most terrifying thing i have ever experienced in my life. On numerous occasions, I just sat on the pause screen and had to build up the nerve the continue.

It's also a game with gorgeous environments, rewarding survival/crafting/building/exploration mechanics and an intriguing plot. Soundtrack goes hard too.

My biggest issues are technical. The game requires some tinkering to run decently, and even then in some areas my framerate was awful. It's a good thing that doesn't really bother me.

What did bother me was the horrific pop in. I occasionally crashed into things that I couldn't see because they hadn't loaded yet, and I also had to wait upwards of 10-15 seconds for large wrecks to load in so I could explore them, all the while I was just sitting in my vehicle, twiddling my thumbs waiting for the damn thing to load in.

A more serious issue involves collision. On 3 separate occasions, (yes I made note of them) when using a walker vehicle known as the "Prawn suit" I straight up clipped through the ground and fell through the world, and I thusly had to abandon my vehicle and let it sink into the void. Whenever that happened, I figured it would be BS to have to use up crafting materials to make a new prawn suit, so I simply used console commands to spawn in a new one. For this reason, I absolutely recommend playing this game on PC.

I know that sounds bad (and it is), but honestly I'm just venting. Subnautica is 100% worth the occasional hassles (which you may not even experience given how random these glitches were). It's beautiful, fun, terrifying and will leave you awestruck and fascinated by it's world. Do yourself a favour and play it.

I love Sucker Punch due to being a massive Sly fanboy, and the infamous games ARE really fun to play's really missing alot of what made Sucker Punch's previous games great.

A great example of what I'm talking about would be the aesthetic. Like, why are there comic book cutscenes in Infamous? I know the stated reason is that the games are based on gritty mid-2000s graphic novels but....idk man. Sly Cooper perfectly displays it's comic book inspiration but Infamous just feels so hokey. It feels like they just slapped on comic book cutscenes because people liked em in Sly. The infamous games just lack a solid identity. The gameplay is a ton of goddamn fun though especially on higher difficulties.