Games don't get more complete than this. Tears of the Kingdom is an ante up in every possible way. I've never played anything like it. The abilities and world systems lend themselves to some of the most inventive and unique gameplay I've ever had the pleasure of tooling around with. I was captured in the world. The story melted my heart.
Several heavy shortcomings hold it back from being a perfect game!

Pikmin 4 is smooth and addictive to perfection. What a treat!

One of gaming's all time great trilogies. It doesn't get much better than this!


Tren rips. It's a game of pure fun that never gets in its own way, constantly throwing new ideas at the player that never tire.
The amount of traversal options, genuinely clever levels and everything was such a joy. This is a can't miss!


Do not play Sable on the PS5. It runs too poorly!

I had been following the Shedworks team for year leading up to Sable's 1.0 release, and porting over to consoles. I previously played a couple hours through gamepass and fell out of it, before returning for a platinum run on the PS5. (See opening note).

Sable is a BOTW-like whose greatest strength is its writing quality, and that's not meant as a dig at any core mechanics. The exploration, climbing and overall intrigue of the world are intact and high quality.
Sable suffered for me as it ran abysmally on the PS5. I wanted to appreciate the color palette used to define each distinct region, and the options to turn on color blind modes and toggle line weights. I eventually gave up with any of it as it caused the game to run substantially worse.
I couldn't appreciate the intentional decisions by the devs to have Sable and other character models move at a lower frame rate than the world for an intentioned look, which never came off because the game never ran at a smooth frame rate of any kind.
Fishing compounded all of the game's issues. Inputs would be lost, it was a tremendous pain.
Sable commits the sin of having a day/night cycle in game with quests and other events occurring at times throughout the day, but no ability to advance time.
It bums me out to leave what could've been a genuinely profound and moving experience on such a sour note. There's a very quality game in here with better optimization and some quality of life improvements.

Music absolutely bangs. Cannot say it enough. Had two original songs with vocals in my spotify repeat through the end of the year.
Characters are neat. I love companions having their own storylines, I didn't love progressing a single companion, getting loads of battle benefits then going back to square one to advance someone else. It really limited how much I was able to fuse or leverage high level mechanics. It's difficult to onboard party member options in RPGs like this. The ranger captains all rock, world aesthetic is wonderful. Loads of weird little guys that I really enjoyed seeing, collecting, battling with and as. Fusions rock, fusing everything rocks.
The type chart is informed and inventive, mechanics of buffs and debuffs rather than super or ineffective is great.
Progression stutters and feels very limited at times. I just had a lot of issues playing through the game at times. I love the attempt and want more things like Cassette Beasts (but it speaks for itself that I wasn't compelled to touch any DLC content after rolling credits)

Excellent game. Drips and oozes style, the fights are bombastic, the music kicks, it's playing in an anime in the best ways possible.
There are some annoying collision issues with wall spikes during precise platforming segments which bother but don't break the experience.
Fast travel should be mapped to trees, not statues. And Ubi shouldn't have locked a collectible tracker to a premium edition!

A neat game that marries a lot of bangers to create something special of its own. Didn't really hit for me!
Definitely recommend playing on a lower difficulty, the higher levels cause the movement to really show its blemishes.

Very fun time, boss fights are alright

Excellent addition to an already incredible game. Only thing that would benefit the mode is if you could tweak what weapons, consumables, etc. can appear.

Dredge is bullet proof top to bottom. Music is incredible, sound design and vfx are perfect. The gameplay is a perfect marrying of exploring in a boat, fishing minigames, rpg trees and filling out a compendium. Vibes are immaculate, mysteries abundant, characters and world fun. Do not sleep on Dredge.

A great romp with a friend

One fairly rough boss fight aside, this game rips. Smooth, creative loop with a lot of fun unlockables, gorgeous aesthetic and very neat world.