I finally did it! I finally beat fallout 1! Prior to beating it, this game always felt so……..unapproachable. Most people in my life treated it like this impossible to get into, unfair game and you wouldn’t even be able to exit the cave you start in without dying gruesomely. Meanwhile, I also knew there was a LOT of fallout 1/2 purists and people who considered them to be the best of the series! So I knew SOMETHING had to make them worth playing. I am here to tell you with confidence, fallout 1 is not impossible! I do have some experience with challenging turn-based RPGs but this is quite literally my first CRPG I have invested real time into (I think????) so like…..the bar really isn’t that high I promise. It’s not as intimidating as you think. The game has aged in some ways, but considerably less than I expected. The areas can feel a bit repetitive, and the world can feel a bit small, but it’s truly insane to go back to the beginning of this franchise and see how much lore/worldbuilding/backstory existed from the start. This is something I did not want to take for granted during my playthrough. For some context on me pre-classic fallout playthroughs; I started with fallout NV, then 3, and then really didn’t enjoy 4 very much and never got far or beat it. I have not touched 76. I have since played NV like 3 more times and 3 like 1 more time. I strongly dislike Bethesda as a company! If you align with this in any way, I think fallout 1 is worth experiencing. Even if you don’t. Try something new! The character interactions are at the core of this game for me. There’s so many unique places and factions, and while the story keeps things pretty basic from the start, it’s always a treat when you find a talking head. The voice acting in this game is like ASMR to your ears. It truly is just really cool to see the people and situations that created the NCR, the followers, the brotherhood, the khans, etc etc etc. Also, the scavenging for weapons/healing items/ANYTHING is so gratifying, and traversing the overworld REALLY isn’t that bad if you aren’t ashamed of savescumming. You have to adopt patience for the mechanics of this game, and if you aren’t used to older games that might be a big ask, but it’s extremely worth it in my opinion. I had a great time with the combat too. It’s simple enough, the hit rates can be annoying early on but I think it teaches you to value when they improve over time. I was so stupid though and I never learned how to use VATS. I never even thought to look for it until I was watching someone else play it later and remembered. Right click your weapon to activate it. Oops! My one gripe is that there’s an unnecessary difficulty spike in the last hour or 2 of the game that was really hard to come to terms with. I’ll be real, in order to traverse the final area I just downloaded a mod and set my health to like x100 and my strength to x10. I probably missed out on some part of this experience but I had completed every quest i was interested in and wasn’t going to waste my time grinding for the damn alien blaster/leveling up 10 times just to increase my HP. The endgame enemy weapons are bullshit. I am an adult who works full time and has other hobbies/a sizeable backlog of other games to get through. But anyways. A lot of thought and care was put into this world and its gameplay, and it’s worth it alone in order to experience fallout 2 afterwards and also be able to gloat to your peers that you’ve beat the original fallout and they haven’t! also it’s a pretty damn quick game, like 15 hours max, more if you want to do EVERYTHING or you grind but even so it’s a nice authentic and bite-sized experience. Play fallout 1! Minus 1 star because sometimes your companions trap you in corners

They really knew what they were doing from the beginning with this series. The polish and attention to detail is honestly mind blowing for a PS1 game. I adore the style of “dungeons” in the first three silent hill games, so I was really excited after beating 2 and 3 to be able to get back into that gameplay. It certainly did not disappoint! Great atmosphere, great scares, fun puzzles, and none of them overstayed their welcome. The bosses are unnecessary but as I played on easy, I really didn’t have to put any thought or effort into beating them so I couldn’t complain. This game would honestly be perfect if not for the overworld being a pain to traverse at times. Running around aimlessly while like 6 enemies tail you can get kind of irritating, especially when you have to execute perfect hairpin turns/maneuvers under tank controls. That really is my only gripe though. The story is dripfed to you really effectively, the cast of characters all fulfill their purposes effectively, and I am such a sucker for the pre-rendered cutscenes (full kudos to Sato Takayoshi!). This is genuinely one of the best PS1 games I have played, and I’ve played a good deal of them. ABSOLUTELY worth playing alongside 2 and 3, I’m so glad I came back to this!

You know what? Technically I didn’t even beat this game (didn’t make it to the end credits). BUT after getting to the like 6th and final grueling phase of that final boss fight and dying, I’m just going to say I beat the freaking game. I refuse to do that miserable slog again.

But I digress. I adore this game. I first played it at age ~12 or so when I got it at a used game store for my PS1. I was fresh into my anime-loving, bishounen-obsessed phase as a preteen and this game was everything I needed for that, LOL. Lo and behold though, I was god awful at video games! And to top that off I also had no idea about the scaling levels of bosses/enemies and so I would grind for literal hours. After probably 2 years of playing this game on and off, barely utilizing or understanding any mechanics (like stat junctioning AND triple triad which I think I fully ignored!), I made it to the end of the 3rd disc where I basically soft locked myself at one point or another at level 80 something. I was truly an anomaly.
A few years later, I learned you can break the everloving Christ out of every mechanic in this game and gave it a try on my first gen PS3. Well, my first gen PS3 subsequently bricked on me somewhere in the middle of disc 2. I remember having to completely tear the dead console apart because it had my at the time VERY rare copy of nier gestalt in it.
So that was kind of that for my experience with FF8 for a while. I had put so much time into it, I knew I had to wait a while for it to feel like less of a trudge and more of an actual experience. A few more years passed and I decided to finally play through ff7 in its entirety. I pulled that off and had a great and nostalgic time, and figured 8 should be next on the docket. I was already all-too familiar with the first act of this game by now, but it was so refreshing picking it up right after FF7 and seeing how insane the jump in presentation was. This is NOT a jab at FF7 by the way, just a moment of recognition for how hard they worked to improve every technical aspect of the series, just like FF7 did over FF6 and so forth. I feel like this is my biggest complement for and the most impressive part of the game. The environments are so fleshed out, the settings are so intriguing, the characters designs are so distinct. I'm kind of a nomura hater, I am not ashamed to say this! but I feel like ff8 utilizes his style so well and so colorfully. Ff8 feels like it takes a lot of mechanics of 7, and just adds to them. More hubs/towns, more detail, more sidequests, more stuff to do in general. It absolutely does not always mean these things are better, but it is distinctly unique.

I don't really want to go into it much, but i kind of love the story. a lot of people talk negatively about it, but the characters are for the most part extremely lovable so I kind of just feel like I'm on this goofy wild ride. It feels like one big epic adventure and my favorite kind of squenix story is one where it's just a group of people forming a conceivable bond and becoming closer on their adventure. And even though it's been disproven BY squenix I FULLY subscribe to the rinoa-ultimecia theory which you should not research if you don't want to be spoiled! i also just really appreciate squall's character development more than i thought i would. the sidequests add a lot to that. anyways, that's my feelings on the story.
Now, the gameplay. I despise random encounters. Which is kind of why I had so much more fun with FF8! because you are by no means obligated to fight like any enemy unless you want to! although it doesn't cut out the need for grinding, mind you. there's some convoluted 'crafting' mechanics in this game that will require it if you want to "break" the game, which i highly recommend. To put it simply, i love that you can break this game! it was so fun to strategize and plan, and optimize my stats. the junction system is weird but you can have a ton of fun with it because of all of this minmaxxing and meticulous planning and plotting. I spent so much time divising what skill i would make my GF learn at what time, and when would be best to grind them out so i dont get too much XP. You can make the game obscenely easy but still have fun with it. I really did not enjoy the difficulty spike in the last like 30 minutes of the game though, it felt like there was no strategy that you could utilize, and if you didn't painstakingly work for the strongest GFs in the game you wouldn't be able to win the final boss.
i really felt like all enjoyment for the game was sucked away in the final dungeon. it has a beautiful design, but after so many bosses and so many events and hours played, i just wanted the goddamn ending. instead, I got like 8+ more bosses with a handicap, and then a final boss with so many phases and so many batshit mechanics I didn't even care about what I had set out to do anymore. I had a lot of fun getting to this point and it all just disappeared by overstaying its welcome on freaking steroids. I love nonsensically hard JRPGs, I'm currently on my 2nd playthrough of SMT nocturne, but this final boss was just purely unenjoyable. So after dying after getting to the final phase, i closed down duckstation, opened up youtube, and watched the ending there. Maybe the satisfaction of actually winning would make jt
more impactful, but the ending was still captivating and bizarre nonetheless, and the last bit with the camcorder at school still made me cry and laugh and feel things!
IDK maybe I'll go back and "actually beat" the thing, but it won't be for a damn long time.

So yes i highly recommend this game, but be patient with it and take it all in. If you love the PS1 era or JRPGs in general it's extremely worth playing.


I am SO glad i was able to finally give this game a try. This is one of the best stories I’ve experienced in a video game thus far I think. The characters are all so compelling, and the story that unfolds is so easy to invest yourself in. I played on safe mode (I know what games I do and don’t like, and stealth horror is a genre I don’t enjoy), which did detract from the horror in a lot of situations, but I was definitely still on edge PLENTY while playing. The areas felt very organic and realistic, and unfolding the story through audio logs/black boxes/computer terminals was done in a way that made me keep scouring for clues and lore. This game is so worth trying out, I haven’t genuinely rooted for a character I’m playing in a game like this in a while, if ever! There’s definitely more that can be said about the story, etc but I don’t want to hop into spoiler territory.

This game really was as good as everyone says it is. It was even better than I expected it to be. I found the gameplay loop to be addictive and fun, and the story has really crept into my mind in a way that not much else has. The ending made me SOB

What is there to say that hasn’t already been said. This game is truly legendary for a reason, and is the standard for its genre. I think it goes without saying that aspects have aged poorly for some people and may hinder their enjoyment, but I 100% believe this is worth checking out and putting some time into. The world is charming, the progression is rewarding, and the story is as simple as it needs to be with as much filler as you want to seek out. This is a game I will never forget!

Got about 8/10 of the way through the game, and all of my save files randomly corrupted! Amazing game but shelving for now

Holy crap. This game was hugely influential for me as a kid despite never having beat it. Getting to see it through as an adult was absolutely amazing!


Fun little game! Awesome atmosphere and aesthetic, I found myself wanting more of it at the end. I wished there was some kind of map for each area, but that’s probably my only complaint.

This game is incredible. Amazing characters, amazing story, really cool environments and areas, I no-lifed the thing in 3 play sessions. The graphics, attention to detail, and use of shadows are absolutely beyond anything else I have ever seen in the ps2 era of consoles. Every area felt authentic and real and super immersive. The characters are SUPER compelling, the “good guys” making you root for them and cry for them, the “bad guys” are well fleshed out with interesting motives, and the presence of the ambiguous people in between those guidelines is also well executed. The horror is the best of the series that I have experienced thus far, making the game addictively scary. AND THE AESTHETICS, ugh the aesthetics are so immaculate. My only complaints, and the only things preventing it from being a 5 star rating, lie within the combat system and the first few areas in the game. I could see many people who aren’t as willing to brute force the first few hours having a lot of trouble sticking to the game as the maze-like subway and sewer areas dragged on and on. The way the game pushes combat onto the character also feels a bit forced. with one exception, there are too many unnecessary boss fights. This is not as significant but I HATE the insane cancer enemies so much lol, the number of times I would be fully blocked by one in a hallway and have to enter and leave rooms to have them spawn with a gap for me to run past grew excessive. But all in all, this game is absolutely worth sticking with. One of the greatest video games I have ever played.

I always wanted to -get- this game. I’ve heard so many people rave like crazy about it, obsess over it, and memorize every minute detail and I wanted to understand why! Well, after maybe my fourth attempt, it stuck. I have found as an adult I am looking for games that are shorter and condensed, and have lost interest in bigger, side quest packed, content filled games with a few exceptions. I had always heard these were a shining example, so I was thrilled when this game really took over my free time and attention. I literally do not have a single complaint, this was such a gripping and exciting experience! If you are looking for a fun and fulfilling game that will keep your attention, look no further. Also you can fight me on this but I don’t care, BEST LOOKING GAME OF ALL TIME, STILL HOLDS UP AND ALWAYS WILL