Incredible art and atmosphere. 8/10

First game I got 100%. 10/10

Fell in love almost immediately. 9.5/10

Every N64 game I played as a kid is a 10. 10/10

I have about the same feelings as the first. 7/10

I feel like all the classics have to get an 8 by default. 8/10

Oh my god I hate Assassin's Creed. 3/10

I hate this game, but owe so much to it. 8/10

Some of the best DLC out, can't imagine how long it'll take for the next game. 9/10

Don't play this game looking for a fun sword fighting Viking game, play it for the experience. 9/10

I'm so glad I never watched any videos on this game as a kid, so I got to experience it blind. 9/10

Really solid game, the dumbass clunky controls add to the horror. 8.5/10

I didn't mind the combat as much as others; it's really funny and well-written. 8/10