Sandbox'ish nature, wider amount of content and improved mechanics are certainly appealing, but not in sacrifice of cohesive story, themes and world building of Fallout 1.

It is fine as cheesy fantasy, but nowhere near Obsidian level, as if Obsidian tried to be Bioware for whatever reason.

You can play through it and it is okay, but Mask of the Betrayer is REAL highlight of Neverwinter Nights 2.

Genuine contender for the best rpg ever made and I'm not exaggerating

Genuinely great and aged better than you might think.

Story is minimalistic and presentation shows that it's from the age when games weren't narrative oriented, but actual substance of it is still captivating and engaging.

Gameplay is simple and really basic, comparing it to other megaten, but... It is actually damn FUN. Yes, it ain't Persona 5 or Nocturne, but it is still pretty nice.

Soundtrack is less than 30 minutes, but every track is goddamn perfect.

Outside of final dungeon, the game is just chief's kiss. It is certainly isn't perfect, but goddamn I loved it. Excited what SMT2 has to offer

honestly, it's all just way too overwhelming after act 1

girls is that how periods feel?

This game needs either more development time or smaller scale. 4 routes are in fact 1.5 and replay value is much lesser than you might think. Time management system is weird and can be outright annoying.

Otherwise would've been excelent. Characters, plot and music are incredible.

I don't know how to describe this game other than just fun. It's incredibly enjoyable from start to finish.

Everything about it is SO. DAMN. GOOD.

The game is screaming that it was rushed, but has its moments.

But I admire that DA2 tried to give Dragon Age franchise some sort of visual style, but Inquisition washed it down the toilet in favour of boring realism.

Slow pace is just not for me. Otherwise, far too overhated

Everything memorable from this game doesn't come from gameplay. It's okay, but people won't play it like Xrd or +R when Strive's time runs out

Other SH games might have better gameplay or story, but no other entry in this series matches the vibe and atmosphere of first Silent Hill. Dear god, this game is beautiful.

Interesting and has neat ideas, environment and aesthetics are insane, but... It just lacks something. Needs more polish, more variety and slower pacing. Antagonists just didn't do it for me.

Still a nice hidden gem.

Despite all of its clunk, garbage controls, cheesy plot twists, graphics that look like old flash game, poor sound quality and whack of voice acting... it is still one of the best things i've ever played.