Amazing 128 players multilayer. So much fun and gorgeous graphics.

The first year that was released was a masterpiece. Now it's too unbalanced and pay to win. It's a pity.

Fantastic climbing game that uses some of the newest technologies from Unreal Engine 5 like Nanite.

Very original puzzle game. Very recommended.

Masterpiece. Great graphics at the time and gorgeous mechanics.

Probably the best single player camping of a CoD.

Worst Max Payne. Not worrh it. 1 and 2 are classics, but this is very mediocre. It was a pity.

One of the most critically acclaimed 2D platformer games in history.

One of the best campaigns of a first person shooter and a super fun multiplayer.

After Uncharted 2, it's the second best Uncharted.

One of the very best games ever done.

A pity for a Metal Gear game. It feels totally unfinished and empty.

On of the best action games of the last years with a fun gunplay.

I dislike the game. I don't understand the hype for another very mediocre and repetive zombie game.