Amazing graphics. Best of the current generation.

One of the very best games ever done.

Very original puzzle game. Very recommended.

One of the most critically acclaimed 2D platformer games in history.

Fantastic climbing game that uses some of the newest technologies from Unreal Engine 5 like Nanite.

One of the best campaigns of a first person shooter and a super fun multiplayer.

After Uncharted 2, it's the second best Uncharted.

Worst Max Payne. Not worrh it. 1 and 2 are classics, but this is very mediocre. It was a pity.

Masterpiece. Great graphics at the time and gorgeous mechanics.

The first year that was released was a masterpiece. Now it's too unbalanced and pay to win. It's a pity.

The best Zelda ever done and a game that changed the industry forever.

Probably the best single player camping of a CoD.