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maradona commented on maradona's review of Zeebo Family Pack

11 hrs ago

maradona completed Welcome Back
For a game that boldly asks not only your name, but also the name of who you have a crush on, it fails at the most important aspect of it:

Having funny dialogue sequences that you can screenshot and send to them on discord saying " us " because you don't know how to flirt.

13 hrs ago

15 hrs ago

riotkiwi reviewed Chants of Sennaar
Chants of Sennaar is a great little game that could've been way way better had it delved deeper into the language puzzles. I would've loved for the languages to have more glyphs and more complex grammar, even if it meant sacrificing the other type of get-this-use-there puzzles. That would've probably been for the better, but how can you sin a game that looks straight out of a Moebius comic?

The solutions to the puzzles are fairly simple; they're not necessarily easy (I didn't consider them hard anyway) but they're not obtuse like in other puzzle games, where a combination of unlikely reasonings was sometimes the correct answer. All the pieces are put in front of you, and it's your job to put the puzzle together. The only gripe I had with the game were the stealth sections and the fact that I sometimes would miss on some things that were just out of focus: like the helmet for the disguise in the Fortress being on the left side, or the stairs that lead to one of the terminals in the Laboratories being barely visible on the right side of the screen.

Overall it was a great game to complete in under 7 hours. It has a lovely art style, a fantastic soundtrack and it's honestly just a treat to play for any language enthusiast. Would it have been better with less regular puzzles and more complex languages? I think so, but it wouldn't have been as accessible. In the end, nothing really beats the feeling of coming across a Rosetta Stone and working out the glyphs by yourself. I'll probably revisit the game playing it in a different language and see how it compares.

16 hrs ago

riotkiwi followed Wollom

16 hrs ago

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1 day ago

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