They really love the regenerador from RE4 so much they made an entire game on them that really was a biohazard

how to make a game aleardy nearly perfect even better ?

Platinum : hold my beer

vn are boring you know XD look my mediocre stuff but it's intentional so i'm immune to looks like a total moron with what i want to do all of that are a dEConStrUcTIoN hurr durr

some great stuff in the last hours and introduced well the characters and the setting but suffer from huge pacing issues

Oshtor be like

Oshtor : "Can we have a nyamo ?"

His mom : "We already have a nyamo at home"

Oshtor :

edgy just for the sake of being edgy tbh

the ending is a big finger in the ass but randy is sexy so it's fine

they really made a samurai version of sumika kagami awesome

Sweet jesus this final route was garbage

I believe in sharon kreuger supremacy

Max payne 2 more like Max Payne 2 get through this shitty escort mission and boring snipping section