was very fun to do a dub of this game with my bf

Very very very fun. pls put naganuma's other song on spotify


raiden metal gear solid naked pictures google

gave me some of my favourite memories with my boyfriend. we adored it

this game made me stayy up until 6am to finish it. i think this is the hardest i've ever cried to a game

This could've been the best Pokemon game ever.

Pokemon Scarlet was luckily gifted to me, because I'm not sure I would've bought it otherwise. I adore the Pokemon games, and have since I was young, but the lack of polish Gamefreak has been putting into their games has really been driving me away from wishing to actually buy them at launch. Scarlet really reflects this. It has a strong narrative and soundtrack, but it's world, systems and even animations in some cases really lack any sort of care or polish. The state this game came out in is frankly embarrassing for a company as big as Gamefreak, and they seriously need to evaluate how many resources or how much time they're giving to their teams.

This game has so many elements that made me want to love it. I thought its use of a more open progression made it a lot easier to play through, and its characters and writing actually struck a cord with me for once. Just, all of the stuff you need to sift through to enjoy this game is too much for me, and I pray that this game gets patched.. otherwise I can only recommend playing this game emulated.

This game was my first traditional fighting game and I really recommend it as a starting point to anyone interested in the genre.

This game is beautiful, and so incredibly well crafted. Though it may be a bit more simple than XRD gameplay wise, I still enjoy the fluidity behind all of this game's systems. This game thoroughly wrapped me into the world of being a Guilty Gear lore enjoyer and I still have not escaped.

Playing this game with a PS5 DPad makes my thumb bleed but its okay its fun :)

My grandma gave me this game when I was 6 and I saw Sonic die in the intro cutscene and cried so hard I threw up

This review contains spoilers

This game confuses me. I enjoyed the gameplay well enough, but the way the story randomly diverges from the events of Breath of the Wild to create some sort of weird fanfiction universe where everything is magically okay?? It's really not what I wanted out of this game, and while it has merit being what it is, I just left this game not feeling much of anything unfortunately.

After playing and replaying this game at nauseum, I've decided that this is absolutely one of my favourite Resident Evil games of all time, if not one of my favourite games in general. This remake manages to really encapsulate what made an original playthrough of Resident Evil 4 special without tarnishing any of its unique atmosphere or campy charm. It builds on its roots as an action game in a really strong way, the new movement options and ESPECIALLY the knife parry really adding a spice to the gameplay loop that had me excited to go back to each encounter to experiment more. I adore this game and its interpretation of the RE4 cast. It leaves me hopeful for where Capcom might take the remake saga. I'm really hoping to see this gameplay style built upon even further. Absolutely phenomenal game.

This game has been talked about to death, but no matter how much I think about it, it doesn't leave my mind. This game left a profound impact on me, but not in the way I would have liked for it to. Personally, the first game is a comfort for me. It entered my life at a tough period, and helped me connect with my mum as we played it together. I love the characters of the original, even if it isn't my favourite game ever. This game, on so many fronts, really drops the ball.

I will say, this game's gameplay is extremely fun. It evolves the formulas of the first game really well, and makes each combat encounter feel so tense and in depth. Though it's still largely clunky, I enjoyed myself on this front.

As for the rest.

I'm certainly not saying anything new when I say that this game's narrative is divisive.. It doesn't really use its new characters well, speeding through the majority of their development, while others take the centre stage for long periods while nothing new happens. I like Lev though. He cool.
Otherwise, this game really drags its feel throughout the majority of its run. It draaaags the seperate narrative routes of Ellie and Abby for massive stretches of time, and it really didn't make me feel much other than dread.

Art is meant to make you feel things, but this game just made me feel sick. Sure, that could be intentional or valuable, but it genuinely left me feeling horrible after playing it. Its depictions of violence feel far too real. It felt like watching a LiveLeak video. I'm generally not sensitive to violence but this game just felt too real. I didn't really enjoy myself at any point throughout this game. I know the point of violence is not for it to be fun, but this game was just a miserable experience for me regardless of its intent. I can't really look at that and be like 'wow, so artful.' It just made me actually depressed, and worsened my mental health IRL. The game was such a disappointment for me on multiple fronts, that it's even hard to put into words. It's not a bad game, it's just really not for me, and makes a lot of choices that I feel art antithetical to what Video Games should be as an art form.