Okay I’m a little less enthralled with it after putting it as my second favourite game of 2022 (behind Lil Gator Game and AHEAD of Resident Evil 4 what the hell) but this is absolutely the direction Pokemon should take. I sincerely hope Game Freak gets the development time they need for the next one, though.


This is like. THE indie retro shooter. I love it so much omg

Please buff soap ok thanks

There’s almost no point playing this now that TOTK is out and it’s basically the same but 800% better, but this is still a genre-defining game regardless. If any game has to influence other games for the next ten or so years, I’m glad it’s this one.

There’s almost a solid game here I think? It’s actually really fun for the first couple hours, but then the game never really changes anything up and when it does, it’s for the worst. Its nonsensical storytelling and nonexistent exploration also really hold it back which is a shame because the combat can be fun! Unfortunately being limited only to the movie source material really hinders it.

Charming presentation and an absolute banger of a soundtrack, but the tank controls are exactly as frustrating as you might expect.

Somehow I had less fun with this than the original - sure, tank controls are gone, but so’s the charm, and the level and mission design is either bland or hellbent on wasting your time.

Don’t ask me why I played this lmaooo but this is hands down the worst rhythm game I’ve played. Not even Simon Cowell’s funny low-poly mug can save this.

Still peak. The festival vibe is unmatched even by its sequels and the shorter but focused single player offering is satisfying and rewarding. Soundtrack slaps hard too like oh my fucking god

A bit of a step back in terms of “the vibe”, but the physics and handling is hugely improved and cross country racing is still exhilarating to this day.

The only thing this is missing is being able to create my own routes because, coupled with the blueprint feature and how you can beat the game by creating and playing your own championships, it would have been my dream game. Still! Not biased because Australia’s my home country but FH3 is just. So good man

The downfall. Basically Horizon 3 but worse. Less single player content, and the shift to a live service-style FOMO model was what made me significantly less interested in playing.

People say this is the worst one. How?? It’s just Horizon 4 but a bit better lol

I still don’t like the FOMO stuff and I haven’t picked the game up in around a year at this point. Mexico’s also pretty bland and the season changes from 4 don’t really add anything here. And as excited for EventLabs as I was, it’s very clunky and not at all user-friendly. Horizon 6 has a lot to prove if they wanna grab my interest again.

This one’s kinda old and silly and the track variety is a bit lacking but I still kinda love it. I miss when simcades gave you reward cars for completing championships man

People will rate FM4 over this one but I think FM3 has some merit over its sequel. Namely, less stuff like bowling and autocross and more actual racing, including endurance races, as well as a couple racks I really like that don’t appear in the series again.