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I recommend playing Momodora 1 and 2 or watching a summary before playing Momodora III, mostly to understand what the characters are talking about.

When you start the game you are given two characters to choose from, Momo, the protagonist of Momodora II and Isidora, Protagonist of Momodora I and "Villain" of Momodora II, both characters are Exorcists. None of these reflect any gameplay, I think Momo only changes 1 dialogue of an NPC, because he recognizes you from the second game, but maybe it doesn't happen and I remember horrible, but more than that it's really just aesthetics.

The story of this game is explained through the environment and NPCS in very few dialogues, but basically it's summarized in "go kill the bad guy because he's being too much of a bad person".

It's a VERY short game (There's an achievement to pass the game in 25 minutes, and personally the fastest I passed it was in 17 minutes), plus very easy on the other difficulties, so I recommend starting with the "Hard" difficulty to feel the experience like in Momodora I and II.

Highly recommended

Aged like milk.
Nowadays this is just a generic open world shooter.

I've had this game on my radar since it was just an animation, and when they announced that they wanted to make it a game AND ON TOP of that, I couldn't resist.

After a hard year waiting for Pikuniku to come out, I finally got my hands on it, and I can assure you that it is exactly everything I expected, and much more from it.

Pikuniku was a surprise from beginning to end, all the characters are interesting and funny, there wasn't a single moment where I felt tired or wanting to skip a dialogue, and the Spanish translation translates them in a fantastic way and still keeping the humor.

The only disadvantage is that it can last from 1 hour and a half to 2 hours, but I can assure you that you will have a great time during those hours.

For those who come for the coop mode, unfortunately there are only about 9 levels, it's not the main story coop, but still worth a try (Oh and I almost forgot, it's local coop only).

And by the way, when you think you have everything and you saw everything, it turns out that there are still more secrets, I still have 4 unused items and I visited everything, I have almost all the achievements and I really do not know how to get them, so that adds points to anyone who is interested in getting 100%.

Anyway, I don't want to say the same thing all the time (did I mention that I love this game?) I highly recommend it.

tons of fun to everyone that loves bullet hells

It was a fun game when it had people but nowadays no one plays it. Hell, the game was dead less than 3 months after launch.

This is how a new dlc chapter should look like

I feel like this is when BL1 truly shines as the dlc really has that borderlands comedy and a bit of seriousness in the lore that we all know and love

It's okay as a casual bullet hell

For me, most porn games aren't enjoyable because the majority of them include literal rape or a lust filled adventure of heterosexuality where the only "fetish" is how the female looks. The protagonist of those games are also incredibly unsufferable and are overly aggressive and the girls describe everything that's happening with their voice and that's just.. not how sex is

on the other side of the coin, we have smaller indie porn games that are still lustful adventures, but they're more adventurous when it comes to kinks and fetishes. Some of them are entirely dedicated to those fetishes alone. They tend to be more open and less caring about sexuality and gender, and to me that's where it's at.

Champion of Venus is one of these games that care very little about what's gay or not, what's male or female, and the plot is more of a "how can I feel pleasure today" "what topics can I cover in this chapter" "what haven't I already done?" and I find that incredibly based. The game also features a few jokes that are actually funny because the protagonist is a coomer. Not the desperate "COCKS! COCKS! COCKS!" kind of coomer, but rather a more slow and calm approach to the same vision which is a breath of fresh air.

The game can be very extreme and graphic and I know this will turn a lot of people off, so it's definitely not a game I would recommend to anyone unless they're into/don't mind:
-Vore (although optional, you can tell the author does in fact like "distorted" bodies so you will see quite a bit of body horror)
-VERY BIG body parts
-Every other thing under the "Mature Content Description"

If you don't mind too much about weird stuff or even see it hot, I do recommend it a lot because it's really good.

It's cool but the runs can be really long and it ends up becoming exhausting very quickly.

it's october so I can say that I wish I could have sex with the Harbinger

I've played a lot of metroidvania games in the past but I've never touched a metroid game. I always like to play series from their first entry to see where it all began and metroid was no exception. When doing this I expect gameplay to be clunky, annoying and/or outdated and while this is a remake, all it didn't change anything from the original game aside of graphics; it added stuff, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw how smooth this game is and how well it held up almost 20 years later.

The level design is incredibly good for its time to the point where I actually went "Oh wow! They subtly guided the player by doing this, that's pretty clever!". I struggled with some of the bosses and enemies due to a big amount of skill issue but I had a really fun time playing it! I finished it in 3 sessions alone with 90% completion because some of the collectibles are really painful to get ahahaha but it is amazing. It constantly defied my expectations and it made me fall in love with it.
Definitely one of my top 10 games I played this year (2023).


Toem is so beautifully crafted that I booted it up and finished it within the same day (dlc included). It is incredibly rare for a game to catch me like this. It's heartwarming npcs, world, quests and mechanics filled my heart with joy and made me want to see more. From helping ghosts fulfill their last wishes to being a paparazzi, TOEM explores everything the world has to offer with one single mission: making you smile.

I love how silly but considerate this game can be. How cheesy and cute it can be and the ending, as predictable as it can be, it still managed to make me cry a lot because of everything it meant.

TOEM is an experience I hope everyone gets to play someday.

Pikmin 2 is a great game that I sadly didn't enjoy more than the previous game but the opposite.
One of the things I adored from Pikmin 1 was the puzzle aspect it had in how you approached the treasures, but 98% of Pikmin 2's puzzles only require you to have the right color/amount of pikmin and it's just not an approach I enjoy.
Pikmin 2 focuses a lot more on combat rather than exploration, with randomly generated dungeons that made such a personal little game feel.. synthetic.

The first game had this personal connection with the Pikmins where Olimar wrote daily about his thoughts. Talking about his family, fears, hopes and dreams... on the meantime, Pikmin 2 at the end of the day gives you an email from your family! But it's usually stuff like "waah waah there's a fly on my soup" and it's just so dissapointing. Thankfully there's the piklopedia for both enemies and treasures which really add up a lot to the game, but Pikmin 2 really just feels like a joke in comparison to the first game.

Speaking about jokes, in Pikmin 1 you could analyze the scenario first before entering into battle, meanwhile Pikmin 2 has events that will trigger if X happens. If the captain walks by, if a pikmin walks by, if a pikmin with a treasure walks by, and others related to digging and it's just so fucking annoying because you could of have cleared an entire level just so see a random bomb rock drop from the sky and kill your Pikmins. I don't mind deadly hazards, but when everything is randomly generated and the right way to play it is to start a cave, drop all pikmin and go with just one to do all triggers before playing it's just.. boring. To me, Pikmin was never about the combat so having a game that is dedicated to that it's just.. ugh

The bosses were really enjoyable and dangerous, the captain mechanic that incites you to multitask is great and the new pikmin types are adorable yet very useful. It made me really sad that Yellow pikmins cannot use bomb rocks anymore, but that's just a minor nitpick.

The main objective of the game is also incredibly dissapointing because it's just.. get money. There's no sense of progression like there was in Pikmin 1 and the main levels were just recycled from the first game. I don't care about recycling, but when the new content is randomly generated.... yeah....

I feel like Pikmin 2 is a game I will love once I played through them all because it's BIG like.. really big! and has the potential for "endless" fun that's also different, but if I'm fully honest, I felt let down when I played this.
I ended up beating it with a coop mod with a friend because I was pretty much about to quit and if it wasn't because of them, I don't think I would of have beated this game simply because I wasn't enjoying it enough.