1256 Reviews liked by ResidentMelville



great little game that actually had my wrist kinda hurt from that damn carrot grating segment tht took me more tries to get done faster than id like to admit
I really like the art style too I cant explain it but it almost feels like an art style youd see in.. well, a book! like a short story book or something when youre a kid and youre reading something about families. Sound like too weird of a comparison:? Probably, but thats what im sittin on so

I think the only negative takeaway you could have is that there isnt really much to do to encourage subsequent playthroughs if at all, kinda just here and done
but the game never tries to be this super long cookin romp
but if the devs would like to do something like that in the future id be all for a high speed cooking thing like this, there's a borderline extinction of these types of games in any capacity in the industry unless you look at things like overcooked or the cooking mama app game that i cant recall if good or not

final thoughts: you get a recipe for vietnamese spring rolls DAMN that shit would hit right now... the dessert recipe i cant have though bc im allergic to bananas but otherwise nice little short game tht shows what happens when you take in 1% of the anxieties the average vietnamese person experiences in life

Best game ever, I cried 3 times. I'm not the target audience of a wlw sapphic visual novel (my favorite game is Animal Crossing) but this game has a little something for everyone to enjoy and relate to.

queers make the best poems (i would know) (jk i'm actually really bad at making poems)

game was fun and charming with a cool rewind split path mechanic. ive always liked bad ending rewind time type stuff like rezero and what not and i found this game through a night in the woods review (another game like this that i liked) so overall its 2 things i like which i like woah now thats 3 things i like that,,,, holy fucking shit...

Massively replayable, with each replay adding more and more pieces to the story until you finish.

What a wonderful wonderful game!

An excuse to remind my friends I worked in food service much to their chagrin so I'd say it's pretty good yea

I love pokemon. I love open world. This game has solid ideas and can definitely be fun, but like almost every pokemon game on the nintendo switch, this feels rushed and unpolished.

its clearly trying to be breath of the wild, without breath of the wild's development time and vision. and for that it ends up being so rough around the edges, that it honestly hurts to think about. I played the hell out of it in the early months after its release, but eventually stopped when i realized....its honestly not as fun as I'd have liked it to be. take it or leave it.

I can't even recommend this to hardcore pokemon fans. watch gameplay videos, think hard about if you wanna play it, and even then, maybe just borrow it from a friend first?

Who knew being THAT obsessed with GLaDOS when you were 15 means that you probably like women.

My rating of this game is a good case for Stockholm Syndrome. Is the Sims 4 good? Not unless you buy at least two of the $60 CAD expansions that should've been in the base game at this point. Have I spent over 400 hours of my life on this game? Yeah 🥲 I'm not sorry for needing serotonin, for procrastinating studying for my finals and for having quarantine depression.

Fun little dungeon crawler with a dating sim mixed in. Not really there for the boyfriends but even ignoring them you have Valeria, Pocket and Sawyer to keep you company. The weapon play is great, I'm sad it's such a short game.



one of the most beautiful fever dreams you'll ever experience