It was fun at first, but the repeated tasks makes it feel more and more tedious

My First Ever PS4 game. Fun gameplay, nice story, but the antagonist is meh.

Handsome Jack and Tiny Tina carried the whole game.

One of the reason why i bought PS4.

Much Better than the previous game. i'd say Ezio is the best Character in the whole franchise

Almost Everything is better than Fallout 3, except the lame ass writing

I'm so confused at the ending for the first time
but after the second playtrough i finally understand this whole mess. great game and memorable characters

Dang good Story. Likeable Characters. Great Level design. Well thought out Co-op.

Other than beatiful graphics, this game is a borefest for me.

Great game until chapter 4. Chapter 5 Ruined my whole mood for playing this game.

+++ Beautiful artstyle
++ Cheap even when its not on sale
++ Not too demanding on graphics
+ Likeable NPCs
+ DLC Outfit is great

-- Boring level design at mining
- shallow combat

+++ Beautiful graphics
++ Solid gameplay
++ Great level design and puzzles
++ Terrifying enemies
++ Great Character development
+ Simple Skill Tree

- Enemy Troops is dumb. I Need to select harder difficulty
- Death animation too exaggerated
- Certain Spots are Laggy, even though i have way more powerful specs than reccomended

Fell short on Duration. but everything else is good