Good looking, but tired and uninspired end to this modern Lara trilogy.

Ambitious game that misses the mark in its execution. Parkouring around the city is fun, but the combat falls flat and feels more like a chore. Despite the amount of content, the lack of a compelling story leaves little reason to revisit the game once the main narrative has been completed.

MechWarrior 2 was an awesome game, but since then the series has been mediocre at best. While this latest entry nails the vibes of 100 ton bipedal killing machines, it is not much of a video game. It is the modders, once again, who have transformed this half-assed effort by the developers to something exceptional. If there is one franchise besides Warhammer 40k that deserves better, it is BattleTech.

Two things that I actively dislike; card-based games and mobile games. But this, this I like. Simple enough so you always know the rules, yet complex enough to have your own approach.

After playing video games for over three decades, there is very few series that remain untouched. DmC is one of those. Fast-paced and technical action games are usually not for me, mostly because I'm bad at them, but DmC 5 was a lot of fun. It's real dumb, really over-the-top, and very self-aware.

Compact and streamlined Spider-Man. Traversing the city still feels great, game looks even better and runs great. Story ain't that great and especially the baddies feel lacking, but Miles is more likeable than Peter. Another solid PC port by Nixxes.

This game got me back into MCU (along with Snap). Plenty is shared with XCOM, mostly the good stuff, and the card-based combat feels satisfying. There is almost too much game here, the campaign easily spanning over 50 hours. It can get a bit repetitive when you are just trying to progress the story. The dollhouse aspect is pretty great and varied, with a lot of unlockable costumes and color palettes to customize your heroes.