5 reviews liked by Rez_

I honestly was really enjoying the game in it's entirety with really high highs like Chris's campaign and Jake's earlier chapters, but Ada's campaign was such a bore that it really muddied my final opinion. The multi-story idea was cool in theory but they really missed out on giving it a satisfying conclusion in Ada.

It's a really unique game, I loved the feeling of roaming around this little town, but the story simply was a little too weird for my liking. Also a very simple gameplay loop, that is charming but also a bit lackluster, and the game ends before you know it. Still, it's a really fun adventure that you should check out, just not a perfect one.

Such a chill game. I would love to give it 4 stars, but the ending just kind of tipped over. The setup and mystery of this game are so cool. The idea of a television station potentially cosmically and unintentionally creating monsters for peoples need to be entertained is very cool.

Why do people need to see fighting on screen? Is it worth threatening a small town for that entertainment? There are some neat ideas in here, paired with some immaculate vibes, that just don't go anywhere at the end. Still a good time, but could have been great.

I really enjoyed playing through the first 8-10 hours of Loop Hero, but then it became too grindy with very little reward. It's a great game for those who want to sink a lot of hours into it, but it was just not for me.

Shooting mechanics are nice and crunchy, with an especially satisfying quad-barreled shotgun to paint rooms red with. Enemy variety leaves an awful lot to be desired though, and death is meaningless thanks to the bizarre inclusion of a Bioshock-esque respawn chamber that pops you right back out once you go down. Did not regret my time here, but outside of the aforementioned shotgun, I won't remember any of this in a few months.