The best ever of its genre and a truly timeless classic. From gameplay to story to art. Nothing short of a masterpiece.

Absolutely essentials of the Kirby Franchise. All in one place. If you only can play one. Play this one.

The peak of 2D-Action Platformer such a unique set of mechanics in traversal. Nothing beats it. A masterpiece.

Dropped the ball. Fumbled the catch. Failed to deliver, not just on promises, but also the basics. What a shame.

Great co-op game that sets itself apart from its competitors by using unique mechanics to the genre. Best enjoyed in groups of 4

A more refined take on its predecessor, but beware of power creep due to DLC weapons. Otherwise, amazing.

Great horde shooter with a plethora of guns and classes to pick from, but really shines in the sequel

One of the peaks of movement shooters. Knows what it's about and doesn't beat around the bush. Absolute Must Play

Fun beat-em-up dungeon rouge-lite with a great sense of style and humor. But not much there mechanically to keep me going

With great art and a great setting as well as having gunplay that strikes a balance between realistic and arcadey. Sadly it's purely an extraction shooter, so not my taste.

The game that convinced me on Souls-like combat

Kicked off the card based Rogue-lite genre. Still a classic even though others have innovated on top of it.

Wonderful bullet hell with lots of content. Satisfying too

Great concept with interesting mechanics and gameplay loop, but fails to execute on being anything other than "grindy"