Ranking Nintendo Land Minigames

Nothing here!

Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong's Crash Course

13 y/o me was addicted to this shit. I always wanted to get better times and when Nintendo Land was the only Wii U game I owned I'd spend hours doing just that. It could make a perfect mobile game today.


Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing: Sweet Day

This one ripped. Another tag dynamic but with more of an objective to it than just "run away". Me and my sister would have fights in real life over this game.


The Mysterious Murasame Castle
The Mysterious Murasame Castle
Takamaru's Ninja Castle

It rules that this was considered high-profile enough to be in Nintendo Land at all, and it was pretty damn fun to play too.


The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest

Not incredibly in-depth but just a lot of mindless fun to carve down a bunch of goons. Essentially the same as that Wii Sports Resort fencing game where you beat up 100 guys on a bridge and watch them fall to their death, but a little less fun.


Balloon Fight
Balloon Fight
Balloon Trip Breeze

It's Balloon Fight, I guess!


Luigi's Mansion
Luigi's Mansion
Luigi's Ghost Mansion

This one has more meat on it's bones for sure, but it's never really that fun to play as Luigi compared to the ghosts.


Metroid Blast

Man I could've just been playing Halo Reach


Captain Falcon's Twister Race

Not an especially exciting racer, but you better be grateful because this is the most F-Zero you're gonna get for the past two decades!!


Pikmin Adventure

I got so bored of this immediately after trying it once.


Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Mario Chase

This is really just playing tag with very little tacked on. Fun to play with people like once or twice and never touch again.


Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Yoshi's Fruit Cart

I really don't remember this one at all. Inoffensive but nothing interesting.


Game & Watch Gallery
Game & Watch Gallery
Octopus Dance

If you played this more than once you're a fucking idiot



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