i've never actually read the bible so this is my entire basis on Christianity

that season mode hit so different.

not even my favorite but this is definitely the undeniable GOAT of wrestling games. this game is still getting modded to this very day, you could probably find a mod that updates the roster for every single year after its release

i cannot understand a word of what is being said

hitman for people who don't wash their ass

the damage youtube reviewers have done to this game is immense. played this shit english dubbed and it was peak. silly lines and all. yu suzuki i kneel

thiis aint no fucking game why is this on here

idk man i didnt even finish this one but hearing the homie scream "he's got his dick out" w/ some shitty ass radio filter over it is an all timer.

lord almighty please just make the fate fighting game you so clearly want to make

ninja theory magically summoning thousands of unnamed DmC: Devil May Cry fans to gaslight you into thinking that this game was good

every couple of weeks i pick this up and have a blast for the first like 20 minutes of starting a new save and then slowly realize that everything after is just waiting for something fun to happen