hitman for people who don't wash their ass

do not let the blockuza 3 mafia fool u, this is peak, every single complaint i hear about this games combat is always "ooo it doesn't feel good without upgrades" but it literally never does in any yakoozer game, and they don't figure that problem out until judgment. they also got the "guy dual wielding pistols" boss archetype right that kiwami would get wrong 7 years later.

this is a game your friend begs you to play and gives you 3 in depth paragraphs of emotional praise holding back tears and then you laugh and say "Oh yeah i'll be sure to check that one out". Don't check it out.

congratulations to the team at pocketpair for innovating on the "so bad its good" genre and creating a completely new genre of "so bad its... oh yeah its still bad, yeah it sucks, when does it get good, is it good yet? is it funny?"

gifted this to my homie and he told me to kill myself

2 hours of BOREDOM!!!! you could watch Gotti (2018) in the time you will waste playing this

Soujuurou is my MC dawg. Realest character to ever live.

This is the "Real Steel" of videogames for me. It's definitely not perfect and I wouldn't bring it up in casual conversation out of fear of a raised eyebrow but it makes me smile.

"I'm not like other visual novels" and the game sucks. A tale as old as time I fear.

the damage youtube reviewers have done to this game is immense. played this shit english dubbed and it was peak. silly lines and all. yu suzuki i kneel

I will wait as long as I have to for the sequel and I will absolutely replay this every single year day by day until then.

this game has one joke it tells over and over again and it gets less and less funny every time