this game has one joke it tells over and over again and it gets less and less funny every time

Rubiconian girl save me...
Rubiconian girl
Save me Rubiconian girl

buying a curse off of etsy and putting it on the man who decided to trap this game on nintendo switch. coulda been so peak.... but alas


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great game completely ruined by a nonsensical, crass, and forced twist ending. we were chilling until the game just exposition dumped like an hour before the end of the game that hey actually you pushed your sister down a flight of stairs and hung her corpse from a tree??? oopsies!!! forgive yourself! Homie i was streaming this to over discord said "what if you are the final boss" as a joke and we both laughed it off only to groan 2 hours after the comment when that was literally the ending.

why did mdickie legit just make an accurate simulation of school. I have to like show up to class and shit and answer questions and if i get into a fight a fully grown adult will hit me with a burning hammer onto concrete. is he stupid?


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if this was strictly a ryuki game it'd be 4 stars at least but they really wanted to make a sequel that you could also just play with absolutely no knowledge of what happened in the first one so the story just feels kind of hollow and pointless. You read through the whole thing and then the big twist hits, hey buddy you read it OUT OF ORDER. wow okay cool, but like, none of this matters. Oh ok mizuki has a twin sister that looks exactly like her so they could make this twist make sense. Ok cool.

game lowkey carried by coomers. combat is very boring, story is nigh nonsensical sometimes, even for a yoko taro game, and you have to play it 3 times to actually "finish it" two of those times being the exact same except the second time around you're playing as a worse character with an even worse feel to combat.

Can't complain much here, incredibly solid, free horror game with a pretty interesting concept. Really only getting points off because it was super short and the last two puzzles were obnoxious.

hopped on a year ago and got called a gringo frame 1 in VC they dont be making lobbies like this no more

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you should have to do actual prison time if you make me play an entire video game just for the "its all a dream" ass ending.

This series gets a lot of shit but if any of the games are worth playing its probably this one, story kind of drags, especially towards the end, but a majority of the mystery and actual "game" parts are competent, strictly as a VN is maybe like a 2.5 but as a video game is a 3.5

A step down from the first game for sure but there also isnt anything offensively bad here either, main cast ranges from eh to forgettable, ending is fine enough, and I do appreciate that it doesn't just lean on the first game and does try and do its own thing

Great MMO with a wonderful community save for when its actually time to play the game. The sheer amount of shitters you'll encounter even in current patch content is genuinely crazy.