not even my favorite but this is definitely the undeniable GOAT of wrestling games. this game is still getting modded to this very day, you could probably find a mod that updates the roster for every single year after its release

i cannot understand a word of what is being said

thiis aint no fucking game why is this on here

lord almighty please just make the fate fighting game you so clearly want to make

i'm not gonna lie this game is just okay, i don't know if its because i played it before everyone and their mother started telling you that it was actually an underrated gem 10/10 game. I feel like the much slower paced game that the tech demo was would have interested me a bit more than a poor mans devil may cry. I think about the music more than i do the actual game. If this was an album it would be five stars but its a video game so...

this is a me problem but this game is way too damn long to have multiple endings. did the church route (by complete accident) and then never thought about this game ever again. Maybe the other routes are better but respectfully i do not have time for that.

offensively "okay". it's an internet simulator mystery game where you read a lot of complete boring nonsense just like the real internet, the only joke i got a kick out of was nuking an entire website of childrens drawings for copyright infringement. audio is all over the place regardless of settings i tried, varying between "way too fucking loud" and "I can't hear you please speak up"

overrated as hell ngl toontown outsold.

Not even gonna front with you this game stinks. Lame, jumpscare filled horror. It's carried only by the 4th wall breaks and if i had to compare it to anything this is basically a poor mans Buddy Simulator. They even have a tts narrated credits song here except the difference is this one completely blows. Game told me "there's more too see!!!" but the steam achievement said "ending" and I cant be assed to get back on this horrible theme park ride of a game.

they used to make us grind this for like a full 45 minutes every single day in elementary school and to this day I can still picture this stupid wizard fucker perfectly and it made me so angry i had to leave this review.

wait in line at the amusement park simulator.

the junk food game to end all junk food games. Its just a lot of reused assets the team had from xenoverse but its actually fairly creative and cohesive and you'll never catch me shaming creative asset reuse. I can also be goku dragon ball z. can't do that in dead by daylight.