MDickie is a crazy bastard but a passionate crazy bastard. He definitely isn't out here making masterpieces but i'd be lying if i said i dont come back to this every few months, junk food game.

i'm not gonna lie this game is just okay, i don't know if its because i played it before everyone and their mother started telling you that it was actually an underrated gem 10/10 game. I feel like the much slower paced game that the tech demo was would have interested me a bit more than a poor mans devil may cry. I think about the music more than i do the actual game. If this was an album it would be five stars but its a video game so...

played this on a shitty ass laptop when i was a kid in its earlier days and its definitely not something I should've been playing. No exaggeration when i say this is probably one of the most unsafe and lazily moderated childrens platforms available, and with the closure of virtually every other similar platform it is also the only one.

this is a me problem but this game is way too damn long to have multiple endings. did the church route (by complete accident) and then never thought about this game ever again. Maybe the other routes are better but respectfully i do not have time for that.

Would very easily be a five if it wasn't an online shooter. Being free and running on virtually anything attracts some of the most obnoxious people imaginable

offensively "okay". it's an internet simulator mystery game where you read a lot of complete boring nonsense just like the real internet, the only joke i got a kick out of was nuking an entire website of childrens drawings for copyright infringement. audio is all over the place regardless of settings i tried, varying between "way too fucking loud" and "I can't hear you please speak up"

the most inoffensive fighting game ever made by humans. doesn't do anything horrible but also doesn't do anything brand new or challenging to pull me in.

overrated as hell ngl toontown outsold.

wait in line at the amusement park simulator.

absolutely no shame when i say that playing this game with the homie was one of the most pure gaming experiences i've had in years

the junk food game to end all junk food games. Its just a lot of reused assets the team had from xenoverse but its actually fairly creative and cohesive and you'll never catch me shaming creative asset reuse. I can also be goku dragon ball z. can't do that in dead by daylight.