>looking for a new game
>ask the developer if their game is dynasty warriors
>they don't understand
>pull out illustrated diagram explaining what is and isn't dynasty warriors
>they laugh and say β€œit’s a good game sir”
>buy game
>its dynasty warriors

when you find out your GOAT washed πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

had a JP related nightmare on week 1 after launch

Great MMO with a wonderful community save for when its actually time to play the game. The sheer amount of shitters you'll encounter even in current patch content is genuinely crazy.

This series gets a lot of shit but if any of the games are worth playing its probably this one, story kind of drags, especially towards the end, but a majority of the mystery and actual "game" parts are competent, strictly as a VN is maybe like a 2.5 but as a video game is a 3.5

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you should have to do actual prison time if you make me play an entire video game just for the "its all a dream" ass ending.

game is like 2 trillion gigs which motivated me to finish it as fast as possible and then uninstall immediately to get my disk space back.

garrus vakarian my one true love

This game has like 40000 unskippable tutorials for some of the most boring and basic minigames you will ever play. I know how karaoke works man just let me go punch people.

They had yagami do that fortnite hype dance and I knew this was the one.

Fly high Tiny Joey πŸ•ŠοΈ

ninja theory magically summoning thousands of unnamed DmC: Devil May Cry fans to gaslight you into thinking that this game was good

every couple of weeks i pick this up and have a blast for the first like 20 minutes of starting a new save and then slowly realize that everything after is just waiting for something fun to happen