Soujuurou is my MC dawg. Realest character to ever live.

congratulations to the team at pocketpair for innovating on the "so bad its good" genre and creating a completely new genre of "so bad its... oh yeah its still bad, yeah it sucks, when does it get good, is it good yet? is it funny?"

this is a game your friend begs you to play and gives you 3 in depth paragraphs of emotional praise holding back tears and then you laugh and say "Oh yeah i'll be sure to check that one out". Don't check it out.

I think this might actually be the only cool application of AI in a creative medium i've seen. Trying to get into peoples homes by strictly saying the stupidest shit i could think of to not make it easy on myself and going off on tangents about the deep state with a chatbot is genuinely the most fun i've had with a game like this.

dogshit. made me miss when they made good games like garten of banban 1 and garten of banban 2 and garten of banban 3 and garten of banban 4 and ga

Not even gonna front with you this game stinks. Lame, jumpscare filled horror. It's carried only by the 4th wall breaks and if i had to compare it to anything this is basically a poor mans Buddy Simulator. They even have a tts narrated credits song here except the difference is this one completely blows. Game told me "there's more too see!!!" but the steam achievement said "ending" and I cant be assed to get back on this horrible theme park ride of a game.

reviewing just this one but consider this a review of every single puppet combo game because this dude just drops the same exact video game over and over again with a new coat of paint. saw the dude make a big stink on social media about this one in particular being DQed for an award so i assumed it was their crown jewel, but it's indistinguishable from every other game they've made. so retro....

buying a curse off of etsy and putting it on the man who decided to trap this game on nintendo switch. coulda been so peak.... but alas

no bro just trust me its really good you just have to install this fan patch and this fan patch and this fan patch and this fan patch and this fan patch and this balance mod and this fan patch and th

they used to make us grind this for like a full 45 minutes every single day in elementary school and to this day I can still picture this stupid wizard fucker perfectly and it made me so angry i had to leave this review.

wait in line at the amusement park simulator.

the junk food game to end all junk food games. Its just a lot of reused assets the team had from xenoverse but its actually fairly creative and cohesive and you'll never catch me shaming creative asset reuse. I can also be goku dragon ball z. can't do that in dead by daylight.