i'm not gonna lie this game is just okay, i don't know if its because i played it before everyone and their mother started telling you that it was actually an underrated gem 10/10 game. I feel like the much slower paced game that the tech demo was would have interested me a bit more than a poor mans devil may cry. I think about the music more than i do the actual game. If this was an album it would be five stars but its a video game so...

game lowkey carried by coomers. combat is very boring, story is nigh nonsensical sometimes, even for a yoko taro game, and you have to play it 3 times to actually "finish it" two of those times being the exact same except the second time around you're playing as a worse character with an even worse feel to combat.

this is a me problem but this game is way too damn long to have multiple endings. did the church route (by complete accident) and then never thought about this game ever again. Maybe the other routes are better but respectfully i do not have time for that.

Can't complain much here, incredibly solid, free horror game with a pretty interesting concept. Really only getting points off because it was super short and the last two puzzles were obnoxious.

offensively "okay". it's an internet simulator mystery game where you read a lot of complete boring nonsense just like the real internet, the only joke i got a kick out of was nuking an entire website of childrens drawings for copyright infringement. audio is all over the place regardless of settings i tried, varying between "way too fucking loud" and "I can't hear you please speak up"

what if THPS was incredibly lame and shallow

gifted this to my homie and he told me to kill myself

overrated as hell ngl toontown outsold.

its pretty fun i don't have any friends though

i just kind of expected something else? I don't know if this is my fault or what but the prologue was super good and had some decent horror whereas this just feels like undertale with these goofy ass characters running around. nothing scary at all in here.

PEAK FICTION. Thank you RGG for putting schizo gamer rep in your video games. I love ichiban


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if this was strictly a ryuki game it'd be 4 stars at least but they really wanted to make a sequel that you could also just play with absolutely no knowledge of what happened in the first one so the story just feels kind of hollow and pointless. You read through the whole thing and then the big twist hits, hey buddy you read it OUT OF ORDER. wow okay cool, but like, none of this matters. Oh ok mizuki has a twin sister that looks exactly like her so they could make this twist make sense. Ok cool.