Loved and enjoyed this games so much (i love every Trails game i have played so far).

To begin with i will say all the good things that it has for me, first the combat, its practically the same as the previous Trails (not bad since i love so much trails turn based system), but better and more polished, with small aditions that really made the combat even funnier and interactive. The cast its probably my favorite aspect (class VII) from this game, mainly because how differents they are from each other and how good their overall chemistry is (especially in the last chapters), even if in the beggining some of them didnt have a good relationship, as a result of certain key moments, they solved their problems in a very natural and good way (for me at leats).

I think i have only one minor issue with this game, beeing this probably the story, because it doesnt seems that something interesting happened at leats till chapter 3-4 and specially in the finale chapter (with this one i have no issue at all, since i loved it so much, specially the last 2 hours, where all the plot twists happened), and its a minor issue because i understand that its probably a set up for the next games, since Cold Steel its the longest saga, it has 4 games, while Sky has 3 (2 of the "main" story) and Crossbell saga has 2.

As i said in the beggining of the review, i loved this game and it got me so hyped for the next games.

Can’t put into words how good have been my experience with P3R, I knew that I was going to love it but definitely not that much . Reload does everything that FES does but infinitely better ofc. Firstly Tartarus is truly amazing, I love how different is each part of it, visually, structure of it, surprisingly I never get bored of Tartarus, may be a lil bit repetitive but not as much as Tartarus from FES version, easily the best improvement.

The cast is amazing too in Reload, especially thanks to the addition of social events for the male characters of SEES, that made me love them so much, because I didn’t cared that much about them (only Iori and maybe Akihiko) before Reload. It add more depth to them and made SEES overall a better group with a better chemistry that FES didn’t have it.

I think I only have one or two issues with the game, being these two, the last two months of the game, that feels really empty after complete all the SL I care about and all social stats, and the other one being the SL, because half of them (or even more) are really bad, although it has my two favorite social links (Akinari and Aigis).

Overall P3 has been an amazing and very enjoyable journey, I love it so much and it’s definitely one of my favorite games.

it really has good improvements from his predecessor, being the most important one the combat, Chrono cross has one of me most interestings turns bases combat i have ever seen in an jrpg and the story is really good too because it expands things introduced in Chrono Trigger. I think my biggets issue with CS is probably the cast, mainly because its so big that most of the characters dont have good development a part from 2 or 3 and it doesnt feel like a real cast/group for me, unlike Chrono Trigger cast, that feels like a real group with an amazing chemistry. Overall i loved the game, but still prefer by a lil bit Chrono Trigger

This game sucks so much, its has the worst overall areas i have ever seen and bosses are so bad, the only good one is the first other than that pure shit

I didnt expected this game to be that good man, made me love the PT even more, thanks to this game i love them more that Investigation Team. Overall have been an amazing experience with a really good gameplay and plot.


Idk why i have "Dropped" this that much times, its amazing and such a fun game to play, even the story its pretty cool and interesting and has my characters desing in any work i have played/watched, etc. I am going to play more of it maybe to do 100% of it, masterpiece for sure

i had 0 expectations ngl, but honestly it surprise me tbh, i had so much fun playing it, and exploring a lil bit the map, the story was pretty good (maybe my favorite from a pokemon game) and the characters were very likeables. Overall one of my fav Pokemon games.

It solves every problem i had with DmC I, the camera its so much better, both final fights are amazing, the combat its even better and the story of it its really cool, since its a "precuel" of Dmc I and expands Dante´s backstory and overall character, he is pretty good rn. The rate is close to 4 stars tho, maybe will go up over days.

Not that bad to be the first game of DmC, but i have some issues with the ganme, being the most important one the camera that really sucks and the final boss, its fucking annoying. Other than that its good and it aged well.

Easily the best open world i have ever played, and do everything that botw does but so much better, an amazing experience that gonna be one of my favs forever.

So much better than i remembered, the story and conclusion are probably my favorites in the saga, only bad thing about it are the controllers, other than that its truly amazing