Fun game to zip around and blow stuff up with

Fun to mess around in, but very dated in some areas

Awesome zombie co-op shooter, wish I had friends to play with.

One of the first indie titles I fell in love with. Looking back, it's a bit rough around the edges but still good fun.

Great story, really fun game. Played P5 Royal before this and missed some of the quality of life stuff combat wise, but I can't hold that against the game that came before it. Great RPG all around.

Comedy and puzzles, what else do you need?


Pretty chill survival game. Best played with friends.

With many charters and items, each run feels different from the other. Much more fun with friends.

Played 2 before this one. Even so this feels like it lacks a lot of features and is quite bland at some points.

Fun tower defense game that makes me wish I had friends that played this.

To be honest I like 2 better. It's hard to put into words. Maybe I would like this one more if I wanted to make levels.

Having superpowers is cool, but it made the gun play and driving seem redundant.

Honestly like this more than factorio even though this is basically the same game in 3d. It's fun to watch my base become a complete mess of pipes.

Great strategy game if you have a week to kill and something to watch on the side if you are doing multiplayer.

One of those easy to learn hard to master games that makes me want to keep booting up to do a run every now and then.