Cute fun game about slime farming. Exploring got a bit boring for me near the end though.

Great soundtrack combined with the wacky weapons and parkour make this a really fun game.

Played the VR version first. I found the PC version underwhelming.

Great game to make you feel like a badass.

Never played the original, but I liked the kind of puzzles this game had. Also had an interesting story.

Have a soft spot for this as this was my first steam game. It's fun to play but I end up getting burned out near the end to fully enjoy the end of game stuff.

Ignoring the fandom, this game is great. One of the few games that made me want to cry at the end.

I play this game on and off for a few years now. The whole game is basically a grind, but it's fun to turn off your brain for a bit and just murder everything in site as a robot ninja.

Fun turn base strategy game. Feels a bit slow at times though.

First Yakuza game and enjoyed every minuet of it. Basically 100%ed it if you don't count mahjong.

Grate strategy game that plays out like chess because of how important positioning is. Every class feels OP in their own way except of the PSI units who feel extremely overpowered.

This being first in the series I will cut it some slack, but the later games are much better. Was interesting in seeing how it all began though.

Played on medium difficulty and rescued all little sisters.

Never played the original so I'm not fully sure what is different between the two versions other than graphics.

For this being a (remaster of a) pretty old game it still plays pretty well to this day, the menuing felt a bit clunky at some times but other than that, the gameplay was pretty smooth. Shooting and using the plasmids was fun and exciting during combat. Really liked using the bees and wish there were some more "wacky" combat plasmids alongside the elemental ones and for there to be more plasmid-based puzzles. The guns were your standard FPS guns and I came to like the crossbow.

Also having some foes play dead was a great idea that you do not see in many games.

Story-wise the game was also great. The atmosphere of being in a decaying underwater city felt unique and yet also not too distracting at the same time. The paceing of the story felt good too, and the final boss fight was satisfying but could have lasted a bit longer.

Overall it is a pretty solid shooter and it's easy to see why they made two more after this one.

One of the best VR games I have ever played so far and showcases what a VR game from a triple-A studio can be.

I haven't played any of the other Half-Life games but I could feel the atmosphere of a well-crafted world. The story helped this. While being simple, it helped make you feel a part of this world. One thing that I found incredible was the animation of the other humans. They felt so alive in the way they moved and walked that you can tell that they put a lot of effort into it.

Gameplay-wise it was fun going from combat to exploring the environment for more ammo or resin. One complaint I have though is that I felt that sometimes exploring a side room for a good while will sometimes bring up nothing, making me feel like I wasted time looking through all the cabinets and drawers. Combat was interesting with the gunplay being semi challenging, but it did get a bit unfun hiding behind cover to wait for the one second to shoot a tanky Gatling gunner before he starts shooting again and then repeating that like 6 times. I feel like all foes should have weak spots that you can hit that will instakill them like the zombies and combine that have the tanks on their back.

Over all this is a great example of what VR games can and should be.

I have mixed feelings about this game.

I used to love the borderlands series but after playing 2 again I realized how much the writing for the games sucks, as most of the game is made up of bad jokes and dated references. I feel the same way about 3, but at least BL2's story was a bit more interesting. In 2 Handsome Jack was a great villain and even though I am not a fan of the writing, he was definitely well written to both make you hate him and like him at the same time. In 3 the twins are just not interesting foes, they come off as too annoying and uninteresting as their whole personality is "edgy live streamers".

Gameplay-wise the game is pretty great. The gunplay felt fun and the added alt-fire modes made it feel fresher than BL2. The two vault hunters I played had interesting abilities that were fun to use while not being too overpowered.

As a full-on shooter, it's a great and creative game. But I feel like the writing for the game brings the whole thing down like the iceberg that hit the Titanic.