I have mixed feelings about this game.

I used to love the borderlands series but after playing 2 again I realized how much the writing for the games sucks, as most of the game is made up of bad jokes and dated references. I feel the same way about 3, but at least BL2's story was a bit more interesting. In 2 Handsome Jack was a great villain and even though I am not a fan of the writing, he was definitely well written to both make you hate him and like him at the same time. In 3 the twins are just not interesting foes, they come off as too annoying and uninteresting as their whole personality is "edgy live streamers".

Gameplay-wise the game is pretty great. The gunplay felt fun and the added alt-fire modes made it feel fresher than BL2. The two vault hunters I played had interesting abilities that were fun to use while not being too overpowered.

As a full-on shooter, it's a great and creative game. But I feel like the writing for the game brings the whole thing down like the iceberg that hit the Titanic.

This game came out of no where and I felt like it hit me like a sucker punch from a professional boxer. I always have a soft spot for a good rhythm game and Hi-Fi Rush hits that spot just right.

A 3d beat em up rhythm game is such an interesting and unique idea and I'm surprised how well it worked out. The combat seemed always fresh and they keep adding new things little by little to keep it engaging and is broken up by fun par core and movement. And obviously for a rhythm game the soundtrack is great.

I also love the little detail that EVERYTHING moves to the beat of the music. From cutscenes to the wall paper of a hallway, everything moves to the beat of the music. It's such a nice and unneeded thing that just takes the whole game the extra mile.

My only complaint is how a lot of the earlier levels (and even the later ones) have pathways and unlockables that you can't go though until you beat the game as you can't go back to earlier levels after finishing them. It was kind of frustrating going out of my way to find a door that wont open unless I have someone with me that I don't get until later in the game. Kind of killed my desire to 100% the game, but maybe I will go back to it one day.

Story wise it was nice to have a game with a definite ending that did not have sequel bait. Also all of the characters where likable and actually shown growth over the story.

Edit: A month or two as of 5/30/2023 I picked the game back up to 100% it, was having a lot of fun perfecting combat and getting S ranks. But then my save file corrupted today and I lost everything. So I will not be 100% it sadly.

It's a cute puzzle game that really plays into sorting things just right. Some of the solutions though felt pretty exact with no leniency when I wish there was though.

I can feel what this game is going for, but I feel like it was executed badly. This game feels like it was built to be a fast-paced run-and-gun game, but added mechanics that felt like I was punished for doing so.

At the start, the game was pretty fun, but then the enemies started to take much more hits. I felt like this threw off the combat by making it slower when the game felt set up for you to blast through.

The enemies' bullets felt way too fast, even though the bullet time, forcing you to play slower to dodge the shots because of that.

The dodge mechanic making your gun accuracy horrible also sucked, basically making it useless to shoot while dodging. It felt more worthwhile to just tank the shots and kill the shooter than to dodge when facing 1-3 foes.

Most of the boss fights felt like they either lasted too long or too short and felt quite bland.

I was getting on average mid to high b ranks by running around and tanking shots and it felt like I was playing wrong, but staying in a room and spending most of my time holding onto the W key felt way less fun.

The music was good though.

A great love letter to the Wario Land series while changing up the formula enough to make it truly unique in its own right. To be honest at first I felt the art style of the game was kind of bad when I was looking at it at first, but over time it grew on me and I feel it's very fitting for the kind of game that it is.

The game is fun and the music slaps hard. Yet I don't feel compelled to 100% it as I don't feel like mastering all of the levels. It makes me feel a bit upset that I feel that way about this game, but it's still a killer game.

Pretty fateful to the arcade games they are replicating, but it dose get a bit dull after a while.

Great soundtrack combined with the wacky weapons and parkour make this a really fun game.

With many charters and items, each run feels different from the other. Much more fun with friends.

An awesome and extremely well-done sequel. It takes everything good about the original Psychonauts and turns it up to 11.

All of the worlds were extremely well done with their theming, mood, music, etc. Making them fun to explore (except when you are looking for that one last figment).

All of the boss fights were done well too, I feel like most 3d platformers struggle with making good boss fights but Psychonauts 2 shows how it's done. They were a blast to do and weren't too gimmicky when it came to using just one PSI power.

All in all, Psychonauts 2 is a great sequel that was given a lot of love by the devs. The story and theming about helping others with their problems was nice and fits well. My only complaint is finding all of the figments (but you get a thing at the end of the main story that will help you find them, but I did all of the worlds except two at that point.)

Would gladly recommend it to anyone who likes 3d platformers. Also, The PSI king mind was the best world hands down.

Felt washed out and bland compared to 4.

I really like the core concept of the game that at it's base is a good mix of luck and the strategy of using what is given to you with your rolls. Each character also has a different kind of gimmick that makes their play style different while not straying too far from the base formula.

There are six different episodes for each character to go tough, and I was going though and doing each episode one for each character, then two and so on. It was pretty fun adapting to different rule sets that given to you. But everything fell apart for me during the "elimination round" chapter. They where pretty challenging for all the characters but I mange to squeeze though after a few attempts. That was until I got to the witch. Her play style revolves heavily on setting up on good combos and I was getting my ass kicked before I can get them together on the last few tough foes. I've must have did 30+ runs with her trying many different kinds of play styles and strategies and still failing. Eventually I just gave up and jump to the other character I did not beat the elimination round on yet and finished after like four tires. I looked back at the witch and felt like all of the fun was sucked out of the game now and it was just a slog. I tried the next chapter with a few characters but I was just mentally checked out of the game by then and just decided to stop playing.

I would like to come back and finish it, but at the same time the rest of the game docent seem that fun to me anymore.

The sound track was very good though, a lot of bangers.

Fun and cute platformer that feels both fresh and a old collectathon at the same time.

Game was alright overall, the combat felt a bit clunky at times though. Especially the "shooting" ability, it is used a lot but it docent make it feel like you are doing much with it as all you have to do is hold down the trigger button.

I did like the songs and character designs though.

Confusing as hell in the end, but interesting.

Crazy fun game to just explore and poke around in. Love the whole 90s internet aesthetic.