I play this game on and off for a few years now. The whole game is basically a grind, but it's fun to turn off your brain for a bit and just murder everything in site as a robot ninja.

Ignoring the fandom, this game is great. One of the few games that made me want to cry at the end.

Have a soft spot for this as this was my first steam game. It's fun to play but I end up getting burned out near the end to fully enjoy the end of game stuff.

Never played the original, but I liked the kind of puzzles this game had. Also had an interesting story.

Great game to make you feel like a badass.

Played the VR version first. I found the PC version underwhelming.

Great soundtrack combined with the wacky weapons and parkour make this a really fun game.

Cute fun game about slime farming. Exploring got a bit boring for me near the end though.

One of those easy to learn hard to master games that makes me want to keep booting up to do a run every now and then.

Great strategy game if you have a week to kill and something to watch on the side if you are doing multiplayer.

Honestly like this more than factorio even though this is basically the same game in 3d. It's fun to watch my base become a complete mess of pipes.

Having superpowers is cool, but it made the gun play and driving seem redundant.

To be honest I like 2 better. It's hard to put into words. Maybe I would like this one more if I wanted to make levels.

Fun tower defense game that makes me wish I had friends that played this.

Played 2 before this one. Even so this feels like it lacks a lot of features and is quite bland at some points.