More like a short game amirite fellas?
Okay, but seriously, this is one of the chillest and coziest games I've ever played, just reach the top of the mountain and that's it. Heartwarming and comfy as fuck, one of those games that you just want to hug. Beautiful.

A collection of 9 bite-sized games the developers did for Game Jams and a tenth full game exclusive to this collection. All of them paired with a 10-15 minute video of the devs talking about each project. A really interesting piece of insight of the development process and the evolution of small development teams. The games themselves are kinda cool, specially the ones in which the devs explore the narrative options that are only possible in videogames as a medium, my favorite ones being 11.45 A Vivid Life and Eternal Home Floristry.
If you are somehow interested in small indie games, game development in general or narrative experiments, check this out. One of the most interesting pieces of not-only-game media of the videogame industry.

More of the same formula the 2018's game brought to the table. It shows that this was planned as a DLC but got a bit bigger than that during development but that's anything but a detriment. Spidey still plays amazingly, swings smoothly and so forth. Miles plays differently enough to justify this being a standalone game with new skills, abilities and combat options in general. But being a standalone DLC makes this being a lot shorter than the first entry, the story is about 5-6h long, there are less collectibles and secondary content and the skill tree is more compact. It is still worth playing if you loved the first one as much as I did, but it's not worth the full price.

This one has better pacing for being a short game comparing to Episode One.
It feels closer to Half Life 2, great atmosphere, great story and characters, amazing mysterious sci-fi setting and solid gunplay.
The game kinda falls short on level design, overall it's good but there are a few survival sections that get REALLY tedious and boring and kinda break the pacing.
Also, and maybe it's because I played all four games in a short period of time but it feels repetitive to some extent.
Still good and worth playing just to see how it all "ends".

The shortest and the worst of the quadrilogy. It's poorly paced and most of the time is just playing around with the gravity gun which I've already done more than enough in the previous game. Also the weakest in level design and set pieces. Still good if you liked the first games but kinda more on the boring side.

This is one of the few games that have very little wrong things going on, except of some vehicle section that drag waaaay too long for their own good it's a perfect game.
Good pacing, amazing set pieces, solid gunplay, great atmosphere and story. It kinda feels like the game was some test of the new physics engine but it's a damn good videogame as well. It also expands and improve every single aspect of the previous game.
Overall an amazing experience that still stands the test of time perfectly and should be played by everyone.

This game is good but the gunplay feels kinda dated. It settled a lot of things for modern FPS games and it shows, kinda barebones in some aspects but still pretty functional and still playable.
The atmosphere is really well done and fits this kind of sci-fi setting perfecty. The level design is good and the enemies are varied enough to offer a lot of different situations. The story is also pretty good and has some mysterious elements to it that add some uniqueness.
Overall a pretty good game, a must play for everyone interested in the medium or in the genre to see where all the tropes come from even if it didn't age all that well.

Fast paced roguelike action game. The game plays good, everything feels great and the characters are pretty varied. But then the levels are boring, the bosses are always the same and there are really few weapons. Still a great game that makes for a good entry to the genre if you are interested.

Oh BOY this game is a mess. Coming from the first two games and loving them I kinda expected something decent but nope.
First, for SOME reason the devs decided it's a good idea to bring concepts from the FromSoft games and it just doesn't work, the combat is less forgiving than your average hack & slash, you have your estus flask, your dropping your souls at death, the runups to the boss fights (which themselves are boring with one exception), the picking up consumables that grant you the currency to level up, etc. It just doesn't fit the game at all, you are supposed to be a nimble horsewoman of the apocalypse but instead you fight slowly by waiting for enemy attacks because if you hit first you risk getting fucked in a matter of seconds.
The combat is okay I suppose but it's just plain with very little options to deal with enemies. The writing is just bad, you are supposed to take on the seven deadly sins yet most of them feel like semibosses because there is little to no build up before the fight itself.
The progression is also a lot worse, you level up by getting bigger numbers in either health, damage or arcane (damage) and that's it, you get a few weapons which you'll rarely use and skills linked to them and that's it. The rest of the progression are weapon upgrades and charms that can be sumarized as +5% extra damage or whatever. It just doesn't feel good at all.
The level design is linear as hell even tho they try to camuflage it by putting slight detour that just give you some souls or a random upgrade.
And the worst thing is the performance, I don't care much about that overall, if the game works just fine that's cool for me. But this game has every single loading issue you could imagine, there were a few times when the game stopped to load 3 times in less that 50 metres or I had 2 o 3 loading screens 1 minute long. When you move fast enough and turn the camera you can perfectly see how the game is loading the world piece by piece, the textures often even refuse to load even in cutscenes and to top it all half of the game you'll spend crawling throught tiny caves because the game needs those 20 extra seconds to load a single room just to stop as soon as you leave said room to keep loading. Painful.
At least they managed to get Joe Madureira to work on the art, that's the only possitive thing I can say about this game.
They had an amazing franchise going with the first two games just to let it crash and burn with this one, just don't play it.

I played this game because I'm a fan of the first two games of the series and boy it's a pile of garbage. The fighting is just hitting spongy enemies or dying in 3 hits and the leveling and upgrade system just makes you hit enemies harder or dying in 4 hits. Indeed, I played it alone and not in coop because I have no friends but still, it gets pretty boring pretty fast. Playing as War is just button mashing and playing as Strife is running around in circles while shooting at enemies, I guess in coop it words better because War can frontline while Strife gets them from the back but it's still button mashing and running in circles.
The other games had a servisable story and this is just boring.
The good thing this game has is that the levels are pretty big and open and exploration is encouraged a lot by giving you modifiers for the weapons and some upgrades and stuff so that's nice.
The art direction is still good as usual but it loses impact because everything is far away in case of the characters and because you can't move your camera to admire the set pieces for the scenarios.
Overall, not worth playing unless you are with your bro stoned and bored. Maybe that way it'll entertain you.

Amazing game, overruns it's predecesor in every single way. The combat is faster and more responsive, there are a bit more of options to fight with such as two different skill trees and more weapons and upgrades to choose from. The levels are bigger, more open ended and much more enjoyable to explore. This game also has a fuckton of content in form of sidequests and challenges, that span over to all the worlds you visit and can take you a while to complete. The story is also more fleshed out, the characters are still great and the tone of the game is still on point. The art direction is still amazing as in every instance of the franchise but the set pieces got a lot better. The art direction and soundtrack is fantastic and fits the tone, world and story perfectly.
One of my favorite games ever that I can replay from time to time. A must play for hack & slash enjoyers.

A pretty cool hack & slash with some metroidvania-like world design. There is enough variety of weapons and tools to use in combat. The bosses are interesting,the level design is okay I guess but has some cool set pieces. The story is servisable but it's compensated by interesting world building and lore. The setpieces are also great and the art direction overall is amazing thanks to Joe Madureira's work.
Really good game that has a bit of room to improvement.

A simple yet really charming point and click adventure about a man trying to deliver a package to an unknown adress. Meet people and talk to them to help you find your way and that's it.
The story features a lot of magic realism touches which fill the game with this eerie yet somehow soothing vibe. The chill tone is perfect for the premise and the story, the only gameplay is picking dialogue options with no right or wrong choices, you build the conversations and even the characters' pasts with the choices. Not that they impact the development of the events (some actually do) but it's cool that the game let's you build the characters and their life choices as you wish. There are few games that actively build the story in a way that's only possible in videogames and this is one of them. No TV show nor movie could possibly convey this tale.
There are some moments and conversations that are so beautifly crafted that, and I can't explain why, feel like the closest thing to poetry in videogame form.
Lastly, the only bad think is that some sections feel poorly paced, the game is on the long side of the spectrum for this narrative-heavy games. It's aboud 8-10 hours long which makes some of the chapters feel kinda stretched out, specifically the last one.

Overall it's still an amazing and unique game, one of the few videogames that thrive more of the experience than the game itself that I genuinely believe are worth having.
The soundtrack is pretty neat too I guess.

This is one of those games that you just know there won't be anything like it.
You are dropped in a huge open world to defeat 16 big ass colossi and that's it. No meaningless errands, no small enemies to disturb you, no pointless mission markers. The world it's really big yet is empty and while some might say there is no point in having such a big map to explore with nothing in it that's actually the whole point, everything in this game makes you feel tiny, insignificant, powerless.
It has very few elements but they are used masterfully to create a truly unique experience. Simple yet charming and really interesting narrative. The combat is just you armed with a sword and a bow and the boss you have to defeat. Climb around it's body to find weakspots and stab'em like they owe you money.
The game also features some kindof boss rush and timed challenges once you beat it to make it replayable.
As I said, it's one of those games that will never be equaled in any way. A must play for everyone.

Similar to Papers, Please, you play as a bouncer in different venues and have to check the IDs and tickets of the party goers in a post-brexit UK. Interesting mechanics, a bit more dull and with less depth than in Papers, Please but still enjoyable.
The plot as well is interesting with a lot of decision making and political subplots.
Overall a really interesting game, if you liked Papers, Please check it out.