Really good platformer. The levels are cool, the platforming and its mechanics feel great and overall just a fun videogame.
The issue I have with this game is that it's not really 3D, most of the levels follow a 2D layout but enable movement in the Z axis which may cause that you jump diagonaly and fall off the level because it's really difficult to correct your trajectory because of the momentum. This might seem like a minor issue but it happens more times that you might think.
Bowser's Fury is the true 3D level, a kinda open world with stuff for you to collect before you can face Bowser, it's the best part of the game.

Really fun and enjoyable platformer, even more when playing with more people. The levels are greatly designed and the humor is top notch aswell, nothing more I could ask for in a game of this style and tone.

Bigger, faster and stronger than the previous. Faster gameplay, more weapons and types of enemies and more enjoyable bosses. Actually feels really good to play.


Pretty neat 2D beat em up. It's kinda slow and dull gameplay but still enjoyable. The sequel is better tho.

The same I said in the review of the original game applies here but with more tools added to the gameplay and a new level to put them in practice.

2D stealth action gameplay. One of the best indie games out there, the gameplay feels amazing because you get enough information about the enemies and the surroundings to know what to do and not fuck things up. The tools you have at your disposal are varied enough to make for a deep gameplay and a lot of possibilities to deal with the enemies and traverse the levels.
A must play.

Games made after movies tend to be pretty bad overall, same goes for movies made after comics/books. So, why do I kinda like this game made after a bad movie made after really good comic books? I don't know, I guess it just delivers some good TPS action, I mean, the TPS bit is just average so nothing to worry about but then it adds the curve bullet mechanics that help keep things interesting in the shootings. Can't remember anything about the story tho so just read the comics.
Yeah, it's and average game of course but it's a lot better than most licenced games.

Just a simple and fun game about managing your own vault in a post-apocalyptic world. It's decent but gets boring and grindy after a while.

Still the same game than the first one but with more weapons, more characters (which this time alter the way you approach the levels), more levels and deeper, more convoluted and A LOT more interesting story and narrative.
Both are amazing games, both some of my favorites ever and both are a must play.

Amazing top down fast paced action game in which both you and your enemies die in one hit. The levels are short but it's practically impossible to ace them on your first try, thankfully restarting the level is quick to keep you motivated to beat it. It's just fun and addictive.
The story is great and it has some philosophical questions thrown in there.
Really awesome game.

Pretty cool narrative experience where you play as a barman serving drinks and talking to people about stuff in this cyberpunk world. There are a few minigames to add to the gameplay but the interesting bits are the characters, story and the narrative.
The last third of the game is kinda boring for reasons I can't spoil but it's still a worthwhile experience.

Hotline Miami-esque action but with a katana, in 2D and with time manipulation. The gameplay is fast, snappy and satisfying, it just feels great to clear the levels flawlessly because of course, both you and your enemies die in one hit.
The story is also pretty good and surprisingly deep, plus it has some interesting storytelling concepts like interupting the other characters dialogues in the conversations.
A must play if you liked Hotline Miami.

A decent walking simulator in which you have to find what happened to Ethan by putting in order events in a set of situations. The story overall is pretty good and it's short enough to not bore you.

One of the best multiplayer experiences and, as far as I know, the only to rely exclusively on the player's individual skill. There is no other way to win the match, just be better than the opponent. Easy to grasp, impossible to master.
The physics are top notch and the cars feel really good and easy to control. There is a bit of a learning curve but once the game clicks you can easily have fun no matter in which skill level you play.
The matches are about 5 minutes long so it's a really good option if you want something to play here and there for short bursts of time.
Also the customization options are pretty neat and more than enough for this game.
Check it out, it's free to play after all.

One of the finest multiplayer experiences out there. True, it has an almost vertical learning curve which is detrimental for newcomers but once you get past this first part the 99% of the games feel great to play. With a continuously growing rooster of heroes and constant updates the possibilities are endless, more than enough to keep you enganged to thousands of hours.
If this kind of multiplayer games appeals to you give it a shot no matter what.