One of the few pieces of media that actually made me cry my eyes out. Short, sweet, charming and emotional story.
Mechanically just point and click but that's not the point, this game only wants to tell an old man's story and it does it marvellously. One of the best narrative experiences I've ever had ever. Just play it.

My favorite FromSoft game, the combat system is satisfying as fuck, the weapons feel different enough to make it worth to try new builds. The world building, story/lore and level design are amazing and has some of the best bost fights of any Soulsbornekiro.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bloodborne. The lore is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Lovecraftian Horror most of the astral beings will go over a typical player's head. There's also the Hunter's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Nietzsche's literature, for instance.

The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these stories, to realize that they're not just wierd- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Bloodborne truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the depth in Micolash's existencial catchphrase "Plant eyes into our brains," which itself is a cryptic reference to Lovecraft's story "From Beyond". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Miyazakis' genius unfolds itself on their Playstation 4. What fools... how I pity them.

And yes by the way, I DO have a Bloodborne tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the big tiddy goth gf's' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

A walking simulator with puzzles that mostly belong in an android game. But then, the game also expands the concepts by making the puzzles interact with the world in different ways, which is really cool and leads to some interesting ideas. Explore the island and solve puzzles to activate some beacons to finish the game. It's an interesting concept that will appeal to a lot of people, but not to me. It gets really boring after 5-6 hours, running around searching for areas you haven't explored before. I said running? More like crawling because you have 2 broken heels jesus christ this game is slow as hell. There were moments that I spent 20 solid minutes walking until I found some puzzles I haven't done yet. But then I found an area with easy as heck puzzle because it was supposed to be done earlier and I just skipped it because I went exploring right instead of left.
It's a shame because the puzzles themselves can get pretty challenging at times. but I just can't bother myself with finding them.

Vin Diesel wanted to star in a videogame so he did. You expect something half decent? Then don't look here.
The gameplay isn't that bad, it's more polished than you think but the whole game is just a REALLY bad action movie made into a videogame. Police chases, some shooting, something explodes and the cycle repeats. I think there is some plot but can't remember a single thing even if you put a gun to my head. I just can't imagine any reason to play this unless you have a shrine to Vin Diesel in your house or something idk

Still the same game than the first one but with more weapons, more characters (which this time alter the way you approach the levels), more levels and deeper, more convoluted and A LOT more interesting story and narrative.
Both are amazing games, both some of my favorites ever and both are a must play.

Style over Substante: The Game.
The artstyle is amazing just like the fantasy world inside of a computer. The story is also kinda good and sweet. Everything works in perfect harmony.
But the combat just feels off, I couldn't tell when and why I got hit most of the times because the animations are made after the artstyle which makes it difficult to see when the hitting animation beggins.
The world structure is also poor, the game tries to pass of as a metroidvania but the metroidvania factor boild down to a NPC saying "Go back and get the key to open this one door" and then you have to get another key in a empy room to open the door that leads to the first key.
It gets boring and frustrating and it's really a shame because, as I said, the visual, the music and the world are insanely good.

The gods have been killed in a closed room and you are summoned to investigate the crime.
Talk to suspects, collect clues and perform a judgment over those you believe are the culprits.
It sounds simple enough and maybe even boring to some people but trust me, discovering bit by bit what happened to the island and the inhabitants is interesting as fuck and makes one of the best detective games I've played.
The visuals, artwork and music overflow with charisma to make a unique game in the genre.
To keep talking about things I find great in this game would spoil a lot of the experience so just go and play it.

The best roguelike ever. That's it. You can't top this game. Has enough gameplay for hundreds of hours and the expansions rise that number to the thousands. A HUGE amount of items, floors, bosses, enemies, characters, challenges, daily runs, paths, endings and even support for mods in case you didn't have enough after getting the 637 achievements (as of Repentance). I wouldn't recommend it as a starting point in the genre because it's really difficult and the amount of items gets overwhelming but at the same time it's a masterpiece that everyone should play.

Oh BOY this game is a mess. Coming from the first two games and loving them I kinda expected something decent but nope.
First, for SOME reason the devs decided it's a good idea to bring concepts from the FromSoft games and it just doesn't work, the combat is less forgiving than your average hack & slash, you have your estus flask, your dropping your souls at death, the runups to the boss fights (which themselves are boring with one exception), the picking up consumables that grant you the currency to level up, etc. It just doesn't fit the game at all, you are supposed to be a nimble horsewoman of the apocalypse but instead you fight slowly by waiting for enemy attacks because if you hit first you risk getting fucked in a matter of seconds.
The combat is okay I suppose but it's just plain with very little options to deal with enemies. The writing is just bad, you are supposed to take on the seven deadly sins yet most of them feel like semibosses because there is little to no build up before the fight itself.
The progression is also a lot worse, you level up by getting bigger numbers in either health, damage or arcane (damage) and that's it, you get a few weapons which you'll rarely use and skills linked to them and that's it. The rest of the progression are weapon upgrades and charms that can be sumarized as +5% extra damage or whatever. It just doesn't feel good at all.
The level design is linear as hell even tho they try to camuflage it by putting slight detour that just give you some souls or a random upgrade.
And the worst thing is the performance, I don't care much about that overall, if the game works just fine that's cool for me. But this game has every single loading issue you could imagine, there were a few times when the game stopped to load 3 times in less that 50 metres or I had 2 o 3 loading screens 1 minute long. When you move fast enough and turn the camera you can perfectly see how the game is loading the world piece by piece, the textures often even refuse to load even in cutscenes and to top it all half of the game you'll spend crawling throught tiny caves because the game needs those 20 extra seconds to load a single room just to stop as soon as you leave said room to keep loading. Painful.
At least they managed to get Joe Madureira to work on the art, that's the only possitive thing I can say about this game.
They had an amazing franchise going with the first two games just to let it crash and burn with this one, just don't play it.

Interesting blend of roguelike dungeon exploration and shop management game. Get stuff in the dungeon, sell it in your shop and use the money to upgrade your shop and weapons. The shop part is really cool because you have to manage offer and demand for every item. The dungeon part is the other side of the coin, reaaaaaaally boring, you pick 2 weapons from the shop and that's it, you don't pick any upgrades during the runs and the bosses are always the same. Check it out if you have a Game Pass sub, otherwise get it on sale if you want to try it.

This is one of those games that you just know there won't be anything like it.
You are dropped in a huge open world to defeat 16 big ass colossi and that's it. No meaningless errands, no small enemies to disturb you, no pointless mission markers. The world it's really big yet is empty and while some might say there is no point in having such a big map to explore with nothing in it that's actually the whole point, everything in this game makes you feel tiny, insignificant, powerless.
It has very few elements but they are used masterfully to create a truly unique experience. Simple yet charming and really interesting narrative. The combat is just you armed with a sword and a bow and the boss you have to defeat. Climb around it's body to find weakspots and stab'em like they owe you money.
The game also features some kindof boss rush and timed challenges once you beat it to make it replayable.
As I said, it's one of those games that will never be equaled in any way. A must play for everyone.

I'm gonna be honest, I´ve never been a fan of Metroidvanias, I tried a few before and only managed to finish Guacamelee!, all the backtracking based exploration just didn't feel right to me. And then I played Hollow Knight.
This game got me hooked since the very beggining, for some reason the world felt more like calling me to explore it, I guess it was just the setting and the whole charm of the game that resonated with me more that any other game in the genre. The amount of content and stuff to explore in this game is HUGE. Exploring the different areas of the world until I stumbled upon a new NPC, another area or some platforming challenge that rewarded me with a new upgrade or whatever was one of the greatest feeling I got from a game ever. The worldbuilding and lore heavily inspired by Dark Souls with its own twist by making it all about bugs is just amazing. The combat and platforming are responsive and snappy as fuck and the game offers you a lot of upgrades and items to adapt to your playstyle. The atmosphere of this game also works perfectly making it areally chill and comfy the explore the early areas and engaging in big boss fights and platforming challenges when needed, mostly thanks to Christopher Larkin's music.
Overall one of my favorites videogames ever for reasons I cant fully put into words, in my opinion a must play for everyone.

They tried to make something like To the Moon again and failed. Maybe it's because I played these two games on different times of my life and To The Moon resonated more with me but Finding Paradise is just less, in general.
The story is less emotional and less interesting overall. It's still a good game with a good story and worth a try if you liked To The Moon.

Amazing top down fast paced action game in which both you and your enemies die in one hit. The levels are short but it's practically impossible to ace them on your first try, thankfully restarting the level is quick to keep you motivated to beat it. It's just fun and addictive.
The story is great and it has some philosophical questions thrown in there.
Really awesome game.

String words to roast you opponent, if it's good enough you'll win the beef. It's a fun game for some hahas here and there but nothing more. It wants to be a silly game about talking about your mom and it acomplishes exactly that.