You explore mines to get gold and use it to buy upgrades and shit. The thing is, you start the game really underpowered compared to other roguelites so the first few hours are a boring slog just to get powerfull enough to beat the first boss. And as for the runs themselfs they are also pretty dull because you get really few items and most of the them aren't even interesting. It's an okay experience I guess.

Turn based style combat with some turn based exploration on a hexagonal grid pattern. You control a set of characters separately or each player controls each character if playing coop which makes it feel like a table top game.
But the mechanics are a bit dull and get old pretty fast, worth trying if you have it for free either in you Game Pass or you got it in the EGS, otherwise just forget about it.

An interesting take on the genre by making it somewhat more slow paced and strategy dependant, each move is more risky and more rewarding at the same time. The art style and narration are pretty good as well. Shame it's a pretty bad roguelike, the progression in the runs is the same as in Dead Cells which is just boring, you pick up one of three stat upgrades and carry with you 2 weapons at the same time. You also collect currency to spend on unlocking new stuff which is also pretty boring. Overall a good game and worth a try if you are a fan of the genre just like me but don't expect nothing great.

I'm gonna be honest, I´ve never been a fan of Metroidvanias, I tried a few before and only managed to finish Guacamelee!, all the backtracking based exploration just didn't feel right to me. And then I played Hollow Knight.
This game got me hooked since the very beggining, for some reason the world felt more like calling me to explore it, I guess it was just the setting and the whole charm of the game that resonated with me more that any other game in the genre. The amount of content and stuff to explore in this game is HUGE. Exploring the different areas of the world until I stumbled upon a new NPC, another area or some platforming challenge that rewarded me with a new upgrade or whatever was one of the greatest feeling I got from a game ever. The worldbuilding and lore heavily inspired by Dark Souls with its own twist by making it all about bugs is just amazing. The combat and platforming are responsive and snappy as fuck and the game offers you a lot of upgrades and items to adapt to your playstyle. The atmosphere of this game also works perfectly making it areally chill and comfy the explore the early areas and engaging in big boss fights and platforming challenges when needed, mostly thanks to Christopher Larkin's music.
Overall one of my favorites videogames ever for reasons I cant fully put into words, in my opinion a must play for everyone.


A really fun shooter experience, and it was the best of the generation before Eternal came around. Fast paced action with variety of demons and weapons that make the fun last for the whole game. The level design is great, the upgrades system is great and the gunplay feels great. The tone and atmosphere are also perfect for what it wants to be. Can't find a bad thing to say about the game but I just can't avoid comparing it to Eternal which is better in every way.

Amazing game overvall. The swinging and the combat makes you really feel like Spiderman, the open world is filled with stuff to do, the story isn't great but it gets the job done and the boss fights are better in concept that in execution. Also the suits are a great extra for the fans of the character and add a small layer of customization which is always welcome.

To be honest, even tho I love this game, I´m more a fan of the creative gamemode, the options are endless and you can build mostly whatever you feel like. As for the survival part, I just get bored once I have everything I need to survive but I guess it just boils down to taste. Nonetheless the game achieves everything it wants to be to appeal to every type of player.

My favorite FromSoft game, the combat system is satisfying as fuck, the weapons feel different enough to make it worth to try new builds. The world building, story/lore and level design are amazing and has some of the best bost fights of any Soulsbornekiro.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bloodborne. The lore is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Lovecraftian Horror most of the astral beings will go over a typical player's head. There's also the Hunter's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Nietzsche's literature, for instance.

The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these stories, to realize that they're not just wierd- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Bloodborne truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the depth in Micolash's existencial catchphrase "Plant eyes into our brains," which itself is a cryptic reference to Lovecraft's story "From Beyond". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Miyazakis' genius unfolds itself on their Playstation 4. What fools... how I pity them.

And yes by the way, I DO have a Bloodborne tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the big tiddy goth gf's' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

The perfect open world game. Full freedom to do whatever the fuck you feel like once you finish the tutorial. Has a lot of variety of environments, situations and side quests. The progression system makes the exploration feel so damn satisfying, you can get lost for hours and hours not giving a fuck about the main quest. Shame it has no big dungeons except for the castle. Do yourself a favour and just play it


One of the best takes on the genre. Satisfying combat with variety of weapons, upgrades and items, a lot of progression outside of the runs and almost endless endgame. It is also the only roguelike/lite that I know of to use the run based gameplay in the storytelling, which is also pretty good full of amazing characters and spot on voice acting. The only downside I can think of is the lack of variety of floors and bosses. Also the music fits perfectly the tone of the game by mashing up folk music with metal instrumentals, amazing job by Darren Korb, the vocal performances are also awesome.
A must play for fans of the genre, and also non fans since it's also one of the easiest to grasp from the beggining.