Picked up this beauty back in 2020, saw a singular YouTube video by Haelian and I was HOOKED. Awesome looking combat system with roguelite AND Greek mythology made by SuperGiant???? The wizards at SG were genuinely part of my core memories by this point with Bastion and Transistor - I had to get Hades

Out of nowhere I had logged around 110 hours on the switch after doing damn near everything possible in game.

With part 2 hitting early access they had a sales recently. I decided to pick up Hades on PC and port over my switch save - the stream of unlocking all the achievement's as soon as the game loaded it was a fun feeling.

I've already logged another 20+ hours at the time of writing this I remember why I adored this game so much even after theres no story left to unlock, its so well crafted and hard to put down.

The incredible voice acting done by EVERYONE, the fantastic soundtrack by Darren Korb, the stylization of the game its all so perfectly crafted and in sync with each other. Its not too frequently a game fires on all cylinders so seamlessly. And this is all for the components that aren't even the actual gameplay its a fucking chefs kiss and with mods adding more content to change up the cycle and keep it fresh i could see myself losing another hundred hours on pc as well.
I don't remember much of that year game wise - but this without a doubt would be my pick for Game of the year.
Can't wait for 1.0 launch of Hades 2, It's hard to imagine SuperGiant hasn't made another masterpiece.

Steel Assault is a short and sweet platformer with honestly some of the best sprite work and music I've experience in an indie title.
Instead of a sword or a gun Taro wields a goddamn electric whip and its just the one button and that's it.
Really had me feeling like the games i grew up with, super simple but extremely hard to master.
You can't really hold right and attack and run you gotta learn enemy patterns and spawns tons of trial and error ESPECIALLY the bosses.
Other than tight controls and a double jump what sets this apart is the inclusion of a zip line you can deploy whenever you want in any direction as long as the two ends latch on to a surface. Felt like Bionic Commando + Contra in all the good ways possible. Lots of death pits and stage hazards that force you to start thinking how to approach situations while using the zip line, its a ton of fun really makes the platforming challenging.
If there's any issues i have with it, other than feeling a little -too- short, the second level is a painful difficulty spike. Feels like something that should have been saved for stage 4 or 5.
What makes it all the more painful is the two hardest achievements involve beating each stage with no checkpoints - and the whole game on a single life. If the second stage wasn't such a massive pain in the ass id try for these more but the memorization on the little enemies on this stage really don't compare to anything else. Maybe if i feel like hurting ill try them some more but for now ill be happy with having everything but those lmao.

Unlinked mask is a prequel & DeMake of Linked Mask, another great Kaizo platformer by the same developer.
This game is a frustrating blast from start to finish.
A solid intro to Kaizos id say, difficult enough to be good time but not so much that a newer player would give up straight away like many other Kaizos tend to do.
Normal playthrough might take you around an hour, can't speak on the Kaizomode cause that shit is hard results will vary lol

All in all its a ton of fun, has an incredible soundtrack and i recommend it to anyone who likes a to suffer.
And to those that don't like suffering, try it out you might come out the other end a Kaizo fan.

100%'d in a couple hours, wish there was more. Time to tackle Linked mask(again) and scream at my monitor some more

Also the game launched on 03/29/24 - not sure why its TBD here.

This might be one of the most addicting roguelikes ive ever played, its just so well crafted.
LocalThunk is truly a master of the feel good chemical releasing.
48 Hours played in like 3 weeks plus easily another 15 that dont get counted on the steamdeck cause im playing offline.
I don't know shit about Poker and i feel in a lot of ways i still dont, but i know what card combinations make the points go crazy and thats what the game is about in the end.
Im submitting this cause if i wait until im 'done' with Balatro ill never post it, this game is infinite and im sure the LC will add more jokers as well as some expansions(i hope).
Its a goddamn masterpiece, there wont be another Balatro for ages, its the new Isaac.


This was a incredible survival horror game, I thought it would be more along the lines of RE4 - more action less horror survival. While at certain sections thats true MOST of the game is just scary as hell and super tense.

I remember thinking to myself - Ill probably just have to get used to all the guns if ammo ever runs low - I had no idea what was coming.
Actually needing to use the environment, glass bottles, traps, EVERYTHING AT YOUR DISPOSAL CAUSE THERE ISNT TONS OF AMMO.
It was great to get around those tough encounters with little to no ammo left and just abusing the games mechanics to survive, super rewarding.
Story is so-so, but the music and environments and gameplay are fantastic.
Loved my whole time with it, even got about 1/2 way through a second playthrough near maxing out gear and stats just tearing through the game, great big fuck you to all the stuff that scared the hell out of me the first time around lmao.

Miiiiight finish the second playthrough and potentially have a go on the newly unlocked difficulties.
Looking forward to playing the second one!

This game is a blast with friends, can be played with random people but fun may vary.
Not sure what the point of playing this solo would be ngl

This game is incredible, you can feel the love and attention the devs put into it.
Super tight controls, awesome sprite work, GENIUS OST.
This is a love letter to the Mega Man X & Zero games and goddamn they did it right.

The start of the game is a little easy but most openings are, once the ball gets rolling the game really takes off and doesn't stop.
After playing through the game a couple times i think id prefer if the whole game was as brutal and platform challenging as the last 3 levels. After beating those the rest of the game kinda slumps in comparison in terms of difficulty. Still adore this game honestly.

In just a couple days I 100%'d this game doing all it had to offer (fuck u 10 hoops in a row achievement) and honestly i wish there was more content to go through even after beating it 4 times start to finish.
I saw a sneak peek that the game will get a update sometime soon adding more rooms to the HUB area including a boss rematch room.
Hoping this has done well enough to warrant some juicy DLC or maybe a sequel at some point.

I got this game thinking it would be a fun cute little adventure platformer - and I was right mostly

but GOOD LORD the hand holding is unreal

The characters I've met so far are fun relatable and even got me a little emotional. I can tell from the start the story is going to be decent and I like the game mechanics but the game treats the player as someone whos holding a controller for the first time.

2 & 1/2 hours in and the game still thinks I don't know how to do anything its too much, if someone told me this was secretly a JRPG and the tutorial was 6 hours id believe it.

I really want to like this game but at least at this moment its not engaging enough.
Maybe some day ill come back to it.






Love this game to the moon and back, got all the base game achievements and I cannot stop playing. 13 hours at the time of writing this but trying to no death all the stages will all the newly discovered movement tech is so much goddamn fun.
It has a built in friends list leaderboard for each mode/stage and working towards the top of each is a blast.

Once Project_Hel goes on sale again I'm playing the shit out of that 100%

Can't wait got GR2 coming out in a month!

It's hard to put into words how good this game is.

After falling in love with the first game I was worried a follow up could only bring it down.

Sure it had 15 years but could they really do it again, could they modernize it as well? YES YES YES
The giga brains over at DoubleFine fucking did it again!

The world is beautiful and updated but still has that Psychonauts charm, the characters are still funky looking as hell and I love ALL OF THEM.

I can do nothing but sing praise for this absolute masterpiece and recommend it to anyone who loves a good story with lots of fun platforming and combat to carry you from place to place!

Just like the first one this goes at the tippy top as one of the best games I've ever played in my whole life, and again i wish i could play it for the first time.

Maybe in 2038 I'll be making one of these for a Psychonauts 3 :)

I'm so late to the party theres literally nothing I can say that hasn't been said already.

Did not expect this game to absolutely sweep me off my feet honestly thought it wouldn't be able to keep up with the older games but good lord I was wrong.

Definitely one of the best games I've ever played, the story was incredible and the combat had me wanting more challenges. The VA alone makes this game worth a playthrough.

100% on the hardest difficulty form the start of a fresh save file. i can't wait for Ragnarok to come to PC!

Was honestly a huge amount of fun.
Even though its pretty simple when it comes to combat i found it really enjoyable especially after unlocking the glass cannon mode, 1 hit death but do a shit ton of damage - love it.

As for the Cult/Farm simulator it was pretty good.
Meeting all the nice little characters was great but holy shit this game is DARK. No one is around to check you for good/bad decisions this isn't Mass Effect.
As far as I could tell nothing changes depending on how 'good or bad' you are as a Leader. If you really have it in you to be cruel to these sweet little animals theres a lot to gain from them, being nice is actually kind of a chore lmao.

As fun as it was to complete the game 100% the very very end became super tedious even as a fan of the roguelike genre. And as for the evil shit you're forced to do for 100%, i can just say i was happy to uninstall the game and i dont plan on opening that cursed save file ever again.

One of the absolute best shoot-em-ups i've ever played.
Soundtrack is incredible, visuals are unforgettable, and the difficulty of the game is so PERFECT.

I'd say if you die its on you but there is the occasional inescapable bullshit that ruins runs, not often but god it sucks then it happens.

200%'d the Base game, 100% the DLC nearly 30 hours of screeching on death and hitting retry instantly. I adore this game and i think anyone who can hold a control would have a good time playing.
It only has 5 stars cause thats the limit.

I played this game on my laptop about a decade ago and being gifted the second game i decided to give it a second play through, I absolutely love this game, Its incredible.

The art style is weird as hell and distinct, the writing is incredible and aged well, while the jokes and puns are going on nearly the whole time it's not cringey and overwhelming like most of Borderlands.

Platforming can be a little rough this game is a bit old, and the combat is so-so but all together it's such a unique package its hard to not smile the whole time. It's got the old style collectathon thing going and it can be tedious at times but personally I'm a fan.

100%'d the game and I wish I could play through it for the first time all over again.

Easily one of the best and hardest vanias I've ever played.
It has a beautiful world, fantastic animations and an awesome soundtrack.

I couldn't get enough of this game, didn't want it to end so bad i made sure to 100% my save file before beating it.
While the game can be daunting at times never feels like you couldn't do anything to stay alive.
SUPERRRRRRRR tight controls, you have no one to blame but yourself for falling into spikes over and over again.

Might come back to it before the second one releases and get those last couple achievements, super excited for the next entry!!